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Chapter 19
John's POV

​I watched as the love of my life got wheeled off in a stretcher. Her beautiful face was covered in bruises and her lip and eyebrow had cuts on them. I felt a tear roll down my cheek before angrily wiping it away.
I headed towards the house where I had picked Sophia up, sitting in a pool of clear liquid and blood. I peered inside as I was stopped by an officer there were two stretchers brought inside but only one of them had a body on it.
The other body was still lying on the floor covered in a black bag. I wanted to know who it was but I wanted to be near Sophia more.
I turned to sprint towards my car as I heard "Time of death...." I was unable to hear a name because the sirens started up as people made their way outside their homes and passer byers stopped to watch the scene.
I got in my car and beeped my horn to let people know I was trying to get by. It took a minute, but I was able to get out of there. I rushed to the hospital; I didn't realize that I was going as fast as I was until I heard sirens behind me. I pulled over and smacked my hands on the steering wheel "Fuck!" I shouted.
I don't need this I need to get to my Soph. there was a tapping at my window and I rolled it down angrily as I grabbed my wallet off the dash. Yanking my ID, license, registration, and license to carry out and thrusting it at the officer as he asked why I was speeding.
"My wife's been in an accident and she is pregnant, I'm just trying to get to her. She was bleeding heavily before she was taken off in the ambulance." I said looking at the officer in annoyance and frustration. The officer's hard look dropped for a moment before saying he will be back and walked away.
He was gone for a good fifteen minutes before I got even more pissed. "What the hell is this guy doing?" I said frustrated as I looked back and saw the officer sitting in the car, door open, looking at something to his right. I turned back and surveyed the area, just realizing the hospital was a couple blocks over.
Realizing this pissed me off even more. I turned my car off and jumped out quickly, causing the officer to get up just as fast and put a hand on his clip. "Sir I am almost done you need to return to your vehicle." He told me.
"Either you're going to give me a ticket or you're just going to have to arrest me. That's my wife and if something has happened to her because you stopped me right by the hospital there is going to be hell" I said sternly, my voice booming with authority with every word.
He looked like he started to say something but he reached in his car and another minute he got out and walked over to me and handed me my things before telling me to get there before it's too late.
He was trying to be nice and sincere but I was too pissed. "If it's too late it'll be your fault" I mumbled and ran to my car and speed not caring if he tried to stop me again.
I stopped by the valet parking and jumped out the car throwing my keys at the bored looking teenager telling him that if my car was still in good condition he had a big tip coming his way as I ran inside.

​Walking inside Sophia's room I damn near fell to the floor in tears. Her bruised face was now cleaned up, but her face was still swollen. The different colors covering her face made me want to cradle her in my arms and never let her out of my sight again.
​I dropped to my knees by her bedside and rested my head on her bed. Please Sophs don't do this to me. Please don't leave me. I stood up and stared at her face reaching my arm towards her I ran my fingers down the side of her face.
I kissed her forehead, and looked down realizing her belly was small and she just looked like she had a small belly. Where's the baby. Did something happen to the baby? I looked around the room but the only things in the room were the basics for a hospital room.
I walked towards the door and peered around. There weren't that many workers walking around, but the ones who were were moving quickly. I went back into the room and decided not to disturb her so I went over towards the window to wait for someone to come in and check on her. To ask about her condition, and the babies whereabouts.
Staring out the window I thought about how much her life is going to change. I'm not sure if jay survived the accident, but if he didn't... Sophia's going to be heartbroken. But I will be there for her.
I can't believe this happened to her. She doesn't deserve any of this shit. I'm going to be there to protect her from now on. I don't care how she feels about it. I don't care if we are together or not. I will protect her. I vowed to myself as I glanced back at her.
A nurse walked in and checked Sophia's vitals. She asked me who I was, and was I family. ''yes, I'm her husband'' I said smiling slightly as I walked back towards Sophia standing at her side proudly.
''oh okay you're the daddy'' she said smiling big and sounding cheerful. '' let me just report in her vitals and I can bring the baby in. I'll be right back. One sec'' she said leaving quickly not really giving me time to answer her or give my consent.
About five minutes later she came wheeling in this small cart with a clear basket on top. '' okay dad here's your beautiful baby girl'' she said picking up the small burrito wrapped baby.
I timidly reached for the child and the nurse helped me position her correctly. Giving me a couple tips in managing the baby and when her next feeding should be she left and closed the door softly.
I looked at the small child and smiled when she slowly fluttered her big beautiful green eyes at me. She looked just like Sophia. The baby just looked at me and started shuffling in my arms.
I sat and played with the baby for a moment. Feeding her and changing her a couple of times before finally hearing Sophia shuffle and wake up.
''Hey beautiful, here's your beautiful baby girl.'' I said as she gave me a soft smile, before a few stray tears dropped down her cheek

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