Chapter 17

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Jay... where are you? I need you. Sitting up and pulling in a shaky breath, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I heard the phone ringing and the longer it rang I felt my heart beating harder and faster.
"Hey..."  I heard Jay's groggy voice over the speaker.

​​​​Chapter 17

"Hey Sophs, I'm..." he sighed "I'm Sorry Sophs I shouldn't have left like that i-I was just in shock and something John said was bothering me so I needed to clear my head." He said sounding sad.
What did John say that was bothering him so much? "What did he say?" "Its... it's nothing don't worry about it. How are you? What did Dr. Thomas say?" what did he say? Now I really wanted to know because he didn't come back. Maybe had he come back it wouldn't have been a problem but...
"Are you coming back or am I just going to see you when I get home?" I asked not answering his question. He sighed and then I heard some shuffling. "is it... are you..." it was my turn to sigh now, I didn't know exactly how to say this so I I said it the only way I could. "Do you want to have a baby with me Jay?"
It felt like hours before he finally answered "You think I left because I was having doubts?" I could hear the shock in his voice; but what else was I supposed to think? "What else am I supposed to think?
You left after hearing I'm pregnant, it looked that way from how I saw it." I said feeling close to tears. "Sophs calm down, I can hear the tears in voice." His voice sounded soothing, but it didn't help I felt the tears drop.
"I would never leave you, and definitely not after hearing that. I was speechless yes, but I also extremely happy. John brought up something from my past and started comparing us. Saying I would have done the same thing he did. It bothered me, made me think that they were in the area and he knew about it. Or... I don't know, but it made think that maybe I should get closure. So that we can move forward...together."
He said and I couldn't help but feel terrible for ever thinking he would do something like that to me. Maybe I was the one comparing him to John. "I'm sorry... I never should've assumed-"
He cut me off "It's okay, and yes I am coming to be with you, for as long as you'll have me" I heard a knock on the hospital room door. Looking over I stared at my phone because he hung up on me. Two soft knocks broke my concentration and I looked up at the door.
"Jay..." I said smiling and getting up to go to him. I was just putting my feet on the ground when I felt his hands on my shoulders pressing down lightly. "Stay, don't get up I don't need you disturbing the baby. How far along are you?" he asked kneeling down so that we were at eye level.
"I'm four months." I said smiling widely at him. I nudged me so that I was laying down on my back. "Can you feel anything yet?" he asked smiling and pulling up a chair.  Shaking my head no and laughing a little I watched as he placed his hands on my belly. His smile was infectious; his eyes never left my belly as he rubbed softly.
We sat like that for a while talking about the baby, possible names. Whether if it would be a boy or girl. Who he or she would look like. After a while I fell asleep, and I kept feeling his hands on my belly throughout the night.
Walking inside jay put my bags down in the foyer and came running back down towards the car. He helped me out then we walked inside, I sat down on the sofa and just looked around. It feels so great to be home. I started looking around picturing different baby items around the house.
I pictured us sitting on the carpet playing with the baby and the baby girl laughing.  I see us having a daughter, the thought made me smile even wider. I pictured me sitting on the carpet while Jay crawled after our toddler; who was taking steps screaming and laughing.
I pictured us walking in from a family outing our daughter on top of jays shoulders and them two making funny noises. I couldn't wait to finally be a mother. To hold her, play with her, love her.
I guess jay was unpacking, I started to get up and get something to drink but I heard jays phone go off. I started to ignore it, but instead I walked over to where he tossed his jacket aside. I grabbed it and headed into the kitchen to get some juice.
Looking down at his phone, there were several missed calls from an unknown number. Shrugging I got my drink and just put his phone back and went to find him.

Jay's POV

It had been about two months since we found out Sophia was pregnant. I can't believe we're going to have a baby. I didn't want things to be like last time. I couldn't let things end up like last time. I sat in my car staring at them play in the sprinklers.
I took off the sunglasses I had on and watched me ex wife and my daughter who should now be twelve. I didn't want things to end up this way but it wasn't my choice. The only way I could have contact was if Jess came to me and the court order was removed.
So I kept my distance and watched from afar. My phone started vibrating and I went to grab it but I dropped it and I went to grab it quickly and my head hit the wheel and made the horn go off. I sat up quickly hoping that they didn't hear, or paid it no mind.
Looking to my left my daughter didn't pay it any attention but Jess did. She saw me, her expression was of shock, and then a smile small slipped on her lips. I rolled the window up and drove away without looking back. Shit!
I started to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I drove down the street. I looked through the rearview mirror and saw that she had started playing in the water again but she did turn and look in the direction of the car.
I got a message from Sophia reminding me of the doctors' appointments today, with her gynecologist and with Dr. Thomas. I said a silent prayer; she doesn't deserve anymore bad things happening to her. I just hope we can be a happy family.
Parking the car I got out and went to inside to the room she told me she was in. knocking on the door I heard some laughing and a voice say 'come In'. Sophia was lying on her back with her belly uncovered, with some of that gel stuff on there. The doctor had the monitor thing on her belly and was looking at the screen "Is this dad then?"
I gave a smile and a small nod before walking over to Sophia's side and holding her hand. Looking at the screen was really confusing it just looked like grey and black mesh. But when the doctor moved the monitor thing on Sophs belly you could make out some odd looking shapes. There was a black mass to the side of the with a lot of grey and black mesh around it.
"Is that the baby?" I asked pointing to the dark area. They both giggled a little which caused the screen to haze up some then clear back to the image before. "No that's your wife's bladder; she has to keep it full so I can take clear pictures for you. This-" she said pointing to an odd looking shape with small peanut shapes inside it.
"This is your daughters head, and this right here is her heart" she said pointing a little further down. You could see her little heart jumping around, the doctor took a couple of pictures for her records and for us to keep.
After all of the pictures were taken and she answered a couple of questions we were all done. Sophia was staring at the pictures before she passed it all to me. "oh my gosh I have to pee so bad" she said before wobbling down the hall.
I laughed to myself as I just straightened out the pictures grabbing my phone as I heard it ring. Still staring at my daughter's headshot I didn't check my caller id. "Yea?" I said into the line.
It was quiet for a moment before I heard someone speak "Is this Jason Mitchell?" I heard what sounded like they were trying to muffle their voice. "Yes, whose calling?" I said still not paying too much attention to the phone call.
The caller cleared their throat a little then spoke again "My... my name is Brianna Mitchell... I- I'm your daughter? I found your name and information in my mom's things and I –" I heard her name being yelled in the background.
There was a lot of shuffling noises and then a muffled I have to go before the line clicked. I stood there listening, waiting for her to come back onto the line. But the call had ended. Why did she call? Did her mom tell her?

Jess POV
"Brianna..." I called again waiting for her to come down for lunch. "I'm eating without you" I said grabbing my plate of grilled cheese and going to sit on the couch. I started thinking about Jay. I haven't thought about him in a long time. But he looked so good; maybe I should give him a call.
We were good together before things got all messed up and crazy. Things are different now, I'm different. It would be good for him to know his daughter too. I wonder if he was just passing through, or if he knew we were here.
Is he single? Did he remarry? I'm not even sure if our divorce papers went through. Oh well it didn't matter, I was going to get him back. No matter what.

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