Chapter 10

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Let's goooooo chapter 10 🤗🤗


Chapter 10
(Sophia's POV)
​I heard what sounded like crushing metal, the screeching of tires, and horns being blown. I screamed down into the phone begging for John to answer me. Please be okay. I stayed on the line and grabbed the house phone calling the police. "Pick up pick up..." I whispered down the house line and then calling for John through my cell.
​"...local police department how may I help you?" "Yes I was just on the phone with my husband and I believe he is in a car accident can you send some-"
"Ma'am where was this located?" she said interrupting me. "How am I supposed to know I said we were talking on the damn phone?" I said getting frustrated.
"Ma'am if you could just remain calm and give me the victim's name and phone number, I could have someone pinpoint their location." She said in a sarcastic tone. "My husband's name is John Acker and his cellphone number is 9462702478"" okay we'll send someone right away".
The line hung up and I stayed on John's line, just in case the police picked it up. "John please be okay, I love you and I didn't mean it when I said I hated you. I was just angry. I was hurt that you went to bed with her. "
"I could never hate you John" I said softly down into the line hoping he would hear me. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault I should've never-" I heard sirens and scrapping sounds, and voices but I couldn't make out the words. I heard a lot of scraping and the sirens, but then I heard a voice clearly "Hello? Your contact is labeled as Sophs were you close to the driver?" the person said in a stern voice.
"Yes! Yes!! I'm his wife...please tells me is my husband alright? Is John okay?" I said as I started to cry again. "Ma'am we're going to do our best to make sure he gets the best care, but if you could meet us at the hospital-"
"I'm on my way now.." I said interrupting him and hanging up the phone.
I ran out to my car and peeled out of the drive, speeding my way to the hospital. Making sure to be careful, I zipped in and out of traffic all the way there. Jumping out of my car I ran inside, not caring whether I put my car in park or not. Going up to the front desk, skipping a few people, I slammed my hand down to get the receptionists attention "John Acker where is he" I demanded to know.
The people in line got upset and started to complain that I had to wait just like them but I didn't care. The lady didn't seem to want to argue so she typed on the computer and then looked up at the people in line complaining. Sighing she glanced at me and said ICU room B2381. He's just out of surgery, 3rd floor.
He came in with a Jay White." "And where is Jay" I asked tapping my knuckles on the counter. "Same room beds two." I muttered a thank you and left wondering why Jay was in the hospital as well.
(Jays POV)
I watched as she ran inside the house, never looking back at me. Shit I knew I shouldn't of done it but I couldn't help myself, she was too perfect. He wasn't good enough for her; I could tell when we talked that he was still in love with Miranda. But he loved Sophia also, and I knew he would get with her eventually.
Miranda still wanted him, that much was obvious, and he definitely still wanted her. I didn't want Sophia to get hurt, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I've wanted her since John introduced us after they met. They weren't together at the time but I knew when I looked at her that I had to have her in my life... but I wasn't going to step in between them.
I had told myself that for the last couple of years...but things had changed now. And she looked so heartbroken when she told me what happened between them two... I had wanted to kiss her then but I stopped myself. I've stopped myself so many times over the years. And I was trying to this time. But I just couldn't.
As I looked towards their home I wondered what she was thinking.... Is she angry with me for kissing her? Is she confused? Did she enjoy it? I sighed as I the thought of her hating me entered my head. I couldn't bear with it if I lost her as a friend because I couldn't control myself. But I can't lose her completely from my life either.
Damn I'm so stupid I just made things that much harder for her. She's dealing with her cancer, well that's gone. Trying to have a baby, her husband's ex is back in town, said ex wants him back, and he has two babies that he never knew about.
She has so much on her plate right now. Fuck! I'm an idiot. Please forgive me Sophs I whispered as I drove away, speeding down the streets. i was so consumed with my thoughts that I wasn't paying attention to the road.
I tried to swerve out of the way before I hit the oncoming car but they swerved as well... causing my car to slam into the driver's side and flip over the car. I tried to stay as still as possible, but not tense my muscles just in case I was impaled. This must be my punishment for kissing my best mates wife. The car flipped completely over the other and I looked to see how many people were in the other car.
I lost my breath. No, no no no No!! "John!!" I screamed out. Please don't be dead. I didn't recognize the car at first, but as soon as I got visual inside the car I saw him. His body was slumped over the steering wheel and his phone was lite up, it was on the passenger side floor. I couldn't see the side where I had hit him, but I could see the blood starting to soak his shirt.
His head was facing my direction, eyes shut. Blood was coming out of his mouth and there was some on his left hand. I couldn't see his left arm but I'm sure it was broken. His right arm was just hanging down. I didn't get a chance to look for any other signs of pain or blood because my car fell hood first.
As I dangled upside down I tried to move my arms and legs to make sure I wasn't hurt. Even though I wished I was... in place of John. I was surprised I wasn't flung from my car, seeing as I didn't have a Damn seatbelt on.
I slowly released my grip on the steering wheel, barely noticing how tight my grip actually was. I slowly moved and let my legs down, towards the passenger side. I looked towards the windshield and I saw something leaking... my eyes widened as I realized it was gas, as the smell filled my nostrils, as well as the smell of metal.
I kicked fiercely in the passenger door a few times, harder and harder with each kick til it opened. Quickly scooting out I made sure I could stand properly before running over to Johns car. I wasn't sure of how much time I had before we both ended up in pieces. I pulled and pulled on his door but it wouldn't open.
But I realized that the impact from my car was too much for me to pull it open. Going to the front of his car I tore off my shirt and wrapped it around my forearm and elbow. Bringing it down with as much force as I could muster I hit the windshield and that caused it to indent and have major cracks but not breaking it.
Putting the shirt around my wrist and knuckles I smashed the windshield open and broke as much glass as I could. I heard sirens in the distance as they very quickly got louder. Pushing as much glass out of the way as I could, I got on the hood and climbed half way into the car and tried to unbuckle his seat belt...but it wouldn't budge...
"Fuck!!" I shouted. Looking to my left I grabbed a piece of glass that looked sharp and cut at his seat belt. After a few cuts it finally came a loose and I grabbed John pulling him through the windshield...
He was passed out and the dead weight was too much for my already battered body, so we fell down onto the ground... John landed on top of me causing my head to bang against the cement. My vision blurred but I still pushed myself, we had to get away from the cars.
As I tried to pull him my sore muscles weren't giving me the strength I needed. We were moving entirely too slow. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and faintly heard words but I couldn't make them out. I saw someone go towards the car, but my vision was too blurry to tell what they were doing. They shouldn't be over there.
"The car.... It's gonna...we have to get away..."  I heard someone clearly as they shouted "It's gonna blow!!"And as me and John were pushed, I fell with Johns body in tow. I heard the noise but I was far too out of it to hear the full sound of the explosion. I felt the heat on my back, legs, and arms and some from the rubble that fell on me.


Oh no!!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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