Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Hey..." I looked over at John as I lay back in the bed trying my best to ignore the pain. Flinching each time a wave of pain hit me.
"Everything's going to be okay Sophs." He said with sad eyes. I had a feeling that that things weren't going to be okay. I just had a feeling that, things were going to change.
I closed my eyes and stayed quiet, hoping that I wasn't going to get the news we've all been thinking. Jay came back in wide eyed, but changed his expression as soon as he looked at me. He came and sat at my side and held my hand. Kissed my hand, then my forehead, and finally my lips.
"Everything's going to be fine Sophia. I would do anything for you, you mean everything to me." Jay whispered but I'm pretty sure john heard every word. He didn't seem to care because he kissed my lips once more before sitting down.
"Are you serious? You're going to do that right in front of me?" I heard John say, as well as the sound of the chair rubbing across the floor. I kept my eyes closed and sighed. "John please... You've already fought, can you...please just leave it. I'm with Jay, so stop it" I said opening my eyes and looking at him. I was breathing hard, my breath starting to come in small pants.
John looked angry but I didn't care, I looked over at Jay and he had a small smile on his face. He was looking at John and he gave a small chuckle before shaking his head. I sighed and tried to adjust myself a little causing them both to sit up and ask if I needed anything. I looked between the two and saw the cold look they were giving each other.
The nurse came in at that time and she checked my vitals and told us that the doctor would be here any minute. I closed my eyes and I'm guessing I fell asleep because I woke to Jay nudging me and telling me that Dr. Thomas was here and so was the nurse from earlier.
"Hey Sophia, how are you feeling?" Dr.Thomas said with a big smile. That smile gave me hope. Maybe my cancer wasn't back. Or maybe it was but it was miniscule and we could get rid of it again. Maybe...
"Sophs?" Jay said looking at me concerned. I shook my head lightly and sat up straight. Jay moved quickly and was right there to help my sit up better. "Sorry Dr. Thomas I dozed off." I said smiling lightly.
"That's perfectly fine Sophia it's understandable. Good thing your friend here got the hospital to call me so I can look over your charts. Where's your husband I'm sure he's going to want to hear the news." He said looking around for John.
"John and I aren't... we got an umm... I'm with Jay now." I said looking away from him and smiling at Jay.
Dr. Thomas looked away, and put his hand to his mouth coughing slightly. "Oh, um... Well I guess that's my mistake then." He said flipping through my chart again.  Jay grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, giving me a reassuring smile.
"Then I guess congratulations are in order..." his smile from before was back but it still didn't meet his eyes. "Congratulations? The cancer isn't back?" I asked my voice sounding small and vulnerable even to me.
"No sweetheart, have you been feeling lightheaded along with headaches?" I nodded saying how I thought that my cancer was coming back. The nurse gave me sad eyes, but she still smiled before handing something to Dr. Thomas and leaving the room.
"Is Sophia going to be alright?" Jay asked concern etched across his face. "Well, she'll have to get updates with me as well as her gynecologist, but I think she'll be okay." He said giving us a wide smile.
"Gynecologist? What?" Jay asked looking confused. Realization hit me, oh my gosh. Was this real? "Really Dr. Thomas... Am I really?" I asked feeling the happiness well up inside. Dr. Thomas, smile never faltered and he nodded. Jay still looked confused so I squeezed his hand getting him to look my way.
When he looked at me I lifted up my other hand causing him to watch the motion. I placed my hand on my stomach and I rubbed it softly. "Jay...We're pregnant" realization washed over him as he stared at my belly.
Jay didn't say anything he let go of my hand and stood up. "Jay?" I asked looking after him. He left the room without a word leaving me calling after him and feeling like an idiot. Dr. Thomas gave me some more information about my pregnancy but I wasn't listening, I was too distraught.
How could he just walk away? I've wanted this for so long, yes originally with John but we weren't together anymore. All I could think about was that I possibly had to raise this baby alone.
I don't know why but I just suddenly remembered that when I woke up John wasn't here. What happened when I went to sleep? Is that why Jay left? I need to talk to him. Did he and John fight again?

Jay's POV
​Sophia had drifted off when the nurse was finished checking her vitals. She's so beautiful even though she looks tired; she's still beautiful to me.

"I can't believe you would go after my wife. What happened to being my friend, my brother?" John said shaking his head at me. IS he serious right now? "Oh so you remember?" that was a low blow but if he had any problems with our relationship he should've just talked to me not punch me.
"You seriously didn't think that I wouldn't be pissed, I should punch you again." Shaking my head I said "John you took Sophia for granted, yes your relationship was good. But one fact still remains, you were never over Miranda. The first chance you got you hopped in bed with her." He looked surprised that I knew that and just looked at me for a minute.
We were quiet for a moment before he finally spoke. "You knew how much of a mess I was after I thought she aborted a second baby, and she broke up with me. So was I still scarred and hurt by that, yes! I would've had a wife and a child. That doesn't mean I was still pining for her Jay. You of all people should know that."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said defensively jumping up in my seat. I hadn't thought about them in years. I still knew about their lives but, no one knew about that. "You know exactly what I mean, and you damn sure knew how I felt. Knowing you have a woman and a child out there. I didn't know she kept the baby of course.
"But that doesn't mean I didn't think about it from time to time. I never meant to sleep with Mandy that night. But I was angry with Sophia and we were talking about the kids and how good we were together. And then she started saying how she never got over me and how she's always loved me.
"I should've pushed her away but I didn't, I was weak at that moment. There was so much on my mind... I just need to relax." John sighed and put his head in his hands. It was quiet again. All you could hear was the sound of Sophia's machines beeping.
"Don't you think Sophia knows that you had a lot on your mind, yes you just found out about her being sick, but she's fine now. Then you found out that you were a dad. Not by your wife, but you're crazy ass ex. Not just one kid but two.
"And yeah you and your wife were trying to have a baby. But you know you and Sophia could have worked through that. You could've gotten a custody agreement with Miranda or through the courts. And Sophia's cancer is nothing to worry about right now, as of right now she's in the clear.
"So your family could've stayed where it was and who knows you and Sophia could've had the baby you've always wanted by now." He didn't say anything he just stared at Sophia for a while, and then he looked at me. "Don't hurt her, because if you do..." he whispered fiercely.
"You don't have to worry about that John, I love her and I would never do anything to upset her. She's gone through enough" he stood and nodded at me before leaving the room. But something still boggled my mind.
Why did he have to bring up my past? Was there something he knew but didn't want to say? I've been caught up with my relationship and I haven't looked into them since we've been together.
Why did you bring them up John? Haven't we all suffered enough? I closed my eyes and silently prayed that nothing else further would happen to any of us. That we can all finally have our peace.
"Jay...We're pregnant" I heard the words but I felt my body freeze up. I stood up I wanted to hug and kiss Sophia with everything in me. This was amazing I was going to be a dad, Sophia was having my baby!
Then John's words hit me and continued to play on repeat in my head. "You know exactly what I mean, and you damn sure knew how I felt." As I walked out of the room the only thought I had was why did John have to go and bring that up?

Sophia's POV
I was laying on my side thinking about what happened earlier. The doctors wanted to keep me overnight just to make sure nothing was going on. That me and the baby were OK. I was three months pregnant. I can't believe I'm finally going to be a mom.
I cradled my stomach in my hands, and couldn't help the smile that slipped on my face. Even if I would have to do it alone, I was going to be a good mom. If she's up for it, maybe I can call Miranda and ask her for advice.
I sat watching those annoying commercial ads that play late at night. I couldn't sleep. Even though I was already mentally preparing myself, for Jay possibly turning away. I wanted to be sure about what's going to happen. Why did he get up and leave like that? Was he not ready to be a father?
I didn't even think about that, I didn't care about possibly getting pregnant. I wanted to be, but I didn't think about whether he wanted it to happen or not. Damn I really need to talk to him. There was no way I was getting rid of this baby. If he didn't want any part in it, then I... I couldn't finish that thought. I didn't want to do it without him...
Jay... where are you? I need you. Sitting up and pulling in a shaky breath, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I heard the phone ringing and the longer it rang I felt my heart beating harder and faster.
"Hey..."  I heard Jay's groggy voice over the speaker.

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