Chapter 25- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

Start from the beginning

Alessandra's P.O.V

I was finally ready for the mission or what i came to find out wasn't even a mission it was all an excuse to get me to go to a stupid dinner with them that they had every year which I'm still confused about because it's the middle of the day. It would be an understatement to say i wasn't dissapointeed. I was in the car with all of them when they gave me the news that i wasn't even going to my first mission.
"You know this is really messed up." I said rolling my eyes. "Am i really that bad during training that i got set up for a fake mission."
"It's not that." Blake said. "Its juat that if you knew where we were actually going you wouldn't want to come."
"Where exactly are we going?" I asked. Looking out my window.
"It's a meeting we always have ones a year, just to make sure everyone is in check and there are no frauds. Just a fair warning if there are any frauds Adrian does not take it easy." Matthew said from the back, obviously over me asking questions.
"Is that why he isn't in the car with us?" I asked.
"Yeah that's why, he and dad need to be there first to make sure everything is in check for the meeting." Ashley said, while we were getting ready she had apologized for being so hard on me yesterday and i forgave her knowing where she was coming from.
We pulled up next to a tall building where Adrian was waiting outside for us to arrive and so he could lead ua inside, we made our way inside and took a seat at a very professional looking table with women and men i had never seen before sitting there.
"As you may all have heard, we have a new member in our gang." Their dad said starting the meeting. "Her name is Alessandra Blackwood, we believe that she is capable of benefiting our gang and therefore we have let her join."
"How do we know she's trust worthy?" Asked a women raising her eyebrow challenging him.
"Well Kira, i mean we let you in so how did we know you were trust worthy?" Adrian answered immediately shutting her up.

This meeting went on for hours and hours, men were dragged out forcefully and the meeting was finally over. In a way i guess it was actually a mission, mission to not rip my ears off for sure. This meeting was one of the strangest things I've been to, i had never heard so much cussing in such a short amount of time. I'm honestly thankful for this, now i know that pissing their father off is definitely not something you would want to do. Ashley and i may or may not have been kicked put of the building for spacing out to much, so to say the least we were currently sitting in the car waiting for them to come out.
I started noticing that a guy in a black pick-up truck had been staring at us for the past 10 minutes. "Please tell me you've noticed too." I said to Ashley who was staring at her phone.
"I was hoping he'd stop, but now that you mention it its clear that he has not." She said looking up, she grabbed a pocket knife and put it under her dress.
"What the hell are you doing." I asked before she stepped out of the car. "You have no idea who he is, or what he wants. And as you can see we're two girls and the guys are inside doing who knows what."
"We can take him." She said looking back out only to see that the guy was no longer in the truck. "Where the hell did he go?"
"I have no idea but now with more purpose, we do not leave this car!" I said looking around fkr any sign of him. You know that feeling you get of "lets do something risky and most likely die". Yeah? Well I'm feeling that right now, i for whatever reason wanted to get out of this car and find him. "Forget what i said, lets find him and ask what he wants."
"I'm down for that." She said opening the door and stepping out with me following behind her. "He couldn't have gone far, I'll check this side of the building you check that side and we'll meet back here in 5 minutes."
"Alright!" I said as i made my way towards the left side of the building, i looked in every corner amd did not fund anything. It was about 4 in the afternoon so it would be getting dark soon considering its nearing winter.
I made my way back to the spot we were meant to meet to find Ashley there looking confused. "I swear he couldn't have gone far." She said looking around. "Maybe he ran to the park around the corner."
"Maybe but is it really worth the risk." I said, still wondeeing where he could have possibly gone.
"Let's just find out." She said leading the way towards the park, we walked further into the park which was full of trails and trees surrounding the area. We were about to give up after about 10 minutes of walking further in and go back to the car when we saw a guy pointing his gun at a girl not far ahead of us.
"We have to do something." I whispered. Looking ahead.
"He has a gun, we don't. My brother has taught me that in these situations we need to back off or we'll get killed." She whispered back looking at me.
"So we're just gonna leave her to die?" I asked with wide eyes, and like every othee thing i have ruined i ruined our shot of getting away. "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!"
The guy turned and stared at us before pointing his gun towards us. "And this is the part where we run." Ashley said taking a hold of my hand and dashing the way we came from. Let me give you a little tip, if you ever want to play hero don't do it while wearing a dress and high heels. We stumbled across the park the guy shot a couple times missing my mere inches.
We made our way to the busy high way thinking we lost him, but unfortunately he was still behind us. And being out of breath and in pain was really not helping in this situation.
"Well, seems as if you two beautiful girls will be dying tonight." The guy said as he walked closer to us. We heard the screeching of tires close by.
"GET THE HELL IN!" Adrian yelled pulling up as Blake and Matthew opened the doors, we bolted inside knowing the car was bullet proof and immediately felt safer. The car ride home was absolutely silent, no one spoke.
But anyone with eyes could see the anger in all the guys faces. We pulled up to the house and Ashley and i hesitantly got out looking at eachother.
"Get inside!" Adrian said sounding angry, we did as he ordered and walked inside. "What in your right minds told you, let's leave the premises where there is security and follow a guy to our death wish."
"You had us worried out of our minds when we walked out and saw an empty car." Blake said glaring at both of us. "Do you not understand we have had to many tragedies in such a short amount of time to have you two go out and play detective."
"What do you have to say?" Adrian said, taking a deep breath.
"We saved a girl back there." I said looking at them. "She was inocent, he was going to kill her."
"And you think her life was more important than yours?" He asked raising his eyebrow. "My sisters life was less important?"
"She's not saying that." Ashley said. "We were trying to help. After all it was your decision to kick us out."
She shook her head walking towards her room with Matt following behind her. Blake and Adrian stared at me.
"What!?" I exclaimed feeling like the bad guy. "I'm sorry okay, he was really creeping us out. Plus you fired our gaurds last week for being to friendly."
"You two better keep out of trouble." Adrian said taking a seat and running his hand through his hair. "Now go change, we're going on a hike."
"Who said i wanted to go anywhere?" I said rolling my eyes.
"And who said it was an option." He said back, Blake only chuckled and walked away. "Now go and get dressed and be down here in 10 minutes."
"Fine whatever." I said stomping up the stairs to my room and out a simple comfortable outfit... I made my way downstairs only to see that there was no way we were going hiking today.
"What the hell do you mean, he got away!" Adrian yelled at one of the guards throwing a vase against the wall. He looked over at me as he had heard sound of me coming down.
"What the hell is going on?!" Ashley asked running from her room. And taking in the scene in front of her..
"In none of your concern, we'll talk about this later. I have business to take care of." He said walking out of the house and slamming the door.
Seemed as though, things had started to take a slight turn from the last months being so calm. I could already feel that this isn't going to end so well for us. I just hope they all know what they're doing and what will be started.....



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Not edited!! There may be some spelling errors. Other than that I hope you all enjoy❤

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now