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gg whispered " Austin its ok" you could see she was on the verge of crying. what my mom said really hurted. i'm not letting this happen. 

mama mahone: its for the best. you two need to go your separate ways and find new people.

Austin: i can't believe you are doing this. and with that i grabbed gg's hand and i took her somewhere so we could talk. 

we went to my vacation house i had here. it was like for guest and stuff but right now we need to talk. 

when we got there and i took her into the bathroom and told her to get in the tub. i made it really relaxing for her. she got in a just layed her head back. 

GG: you wanna come in here with me?(; 

how could she be a freak at this moment of time? sometimes i don't get her. haha

A: nah i'm good go and relax. i have to do something(: 

GG: oh alright ill miss you(: 

i walked out. i was gonna make a nice little date for us on the beach. it was our last day with each other. it made me just really sad.

when i came back she was still laying in the tub. i smiled because she fell asleep and she looked so adorable. i tapped her and she woke up smiling. i told her to get dress. she looked beautiful. and after one day her bruises were going away. i was so happy. 

Austin: i have something to give you. 

GG: what is it? she smiled.

she couldn't stop smiling. she was so beautiful.

A: i wanted to give you this http://static.artfire.com/admin/product_images/thumbs/--60000--46035_product_867427483_thumb_large.jpg her face was full of happiness. 

this tells you that no matter how far apart we may be ill never stop thinking about you. and ill never meet anyone like you. i'm not letting you go baby. i promise i will visit you every time that i can. when i told you i was never letting you do i met it.

GG: Austin i have nothing to say. you are seriously the most amazing boyfriend i ever had. you are one of a kind. and i'm not going to find love because i'm already in love with you. when i go back home you will be all i think about. you will never leave my heart. i love you Austin(: 

Austin: i love you two we smiled at each other. 

we put on the rings and for the rest of the day we played on beach and kissed. we fell asleep on the beach. (https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTeJiGeTiH_74e8E9Ipx6fCkiUQFYm4vKTEEsR2O5z-pVXZ29G0Lw) * but imagine on a beach.* we were woken up and it was morning time now. we opened our eyes to find my mom and dave standing in front of us. 

mama mahone : gg its time to go. your plane leaves in an hour. i packed all your stuff for you. and your mom is waiting for you at the airport. 

A: wow you really wanted her to go that bad?

mama mahone: austin its not like that.

A: whatever lets go baby.

Dave: austin don't walk away from your mother like that.

A: oh now you have something to say. AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPEN THIS IS ALL YOU CAN SAY?????? 

- silence

A: yeah i thought so. 

* at the airport*

Austin: gg was crying when we got to the airport and so was i. i still couldn't believe this. 

GG: well i guess this is goodbye for good. she said holding my hand.

A: its not goodbye its see you later.

GG: i hope so (: 

we let go of each others hands and i saw the love of my life go away from me. it was a hard thing. i was in love with her and now she is gone. she did one last wave to me and blew me a kiss goodbye. and with that i went back to the hotel. but this time with out my girlfriend beside me.

i got back to the hotel and went right into my room. i didn't even wanna see my mom or daves face right now. i am angry with them.

* week later* 

Austin's pov - i still was ignoring them two. they would talk to me and i would respond with " yeah and ok". i hadn't talked to my girlfriend since she left. i missed her so much. i have a concert sunday. i have been talking to my mahomies more on twitter. they said they are sorry for what happen and wish me for the best. i had a new single coming out also. so i was excited about that. but i miss gg. she was so amazing and just everything a guy could ever ask for. i loved her so much. i wanted to go visit her but i had to reahearse today and tomorrow and then the weekend i have interviews. ugh.

GG'S POV - my mom gave me evey talk you could think of!!!!! when she was finally done. i went into my room. all week i was thinking about austin. my mom turned my phone off so i couldn't contact him -_- but i don't think she realized that you can talk to someone through laptops ect. i looked at all the pics and videos me and austin had together. i had a video to when he was singing to me at his concert. i basically had everything we have done on camera well accept for all the drama and smex hehehehehehe(; all the memories made me smile. after all i have been through i don't need anything else. i don't have a dad i don't know where he is. i never told austin this. because i know how he would feel since his is gone. so i don't talk about it. 

i got on my laptop and went on twitter and i got so many " i hope you and austin get back together" tweets. i smiled they were so supportive there was no hate or anything. i decided to dm austin. hopefully he will dm him back. i told him that i miss him and logged off.

i went to visit my school. i told them i'm not going back. i'm gonna get homed school. even tho its summer now i won't be going back there in September. people were talking about me saying how i'm a whore and should have gotten rapped ect. and then the "popular girls" came up to me.

Girls: Austin isn't gonna want you back so get over it you whore.

i just walked away laughing and shaking my head.

* gonna skip till sunday*

Austin's pov - today was the day of my concert. it felt good to be back on stage. i loved seeing all the mahomies cheering for me. i was about to go on stage. i was starting off with 11:11 and took it from there......

GG'S POV - i sneaked out the house. i took the plane last night to atl where austin was performing. i didn't care what our parents said. i'm not leaving the love of my life. 

Austin's pov - i was singing my song " never let you go" and i while i was singing i saw someone in the corner of my eye it couldn't be her....... i couldn't believe it i turned fully around and it was her. i told them to stop the beat. everyone was shocked. 

so was i.

GG: "i love you and i'm not letting you go no matter what no will break us apart" 

A: i picked her up and kissed her. and with that i sung the rest of the song to her. the crowd was cheering and smiling and yelling our names. i couldn't believe this<3 i'm with my angel again.

* so what will happen?* are you happen they are back together? what will there parents say? hoped you liked it!(: thanks for reading.(:

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