love to remember ( part 19)

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GG'S POV - yesterday was amazing! i seriously have the best on boyfriend on the planet!!!!! i never thought i would be in this position right now<3 i'm so grateful.

my mom called me and asked how i was doing. i told her everything. she said she would come and visit me and austin and his family. 

today was a relaxing day.

Mama mahone was fine with me and austin sleeping in the same room. she could trust us. she knew nothing would happen.

i was trying to take a nap. until this one came and hit me with a pillow. he said he wanted to do austream for the mahomies.

it was fun. someone asked him about clark and he looked so clueless.

A: what is clark.

G: Oh austy you may never know(;

A: but i wanna know. 

G: you will know later(;

he danced on Austream. and sung for them. his voice is just amazing. everyone knew i was with him. they stopped the hate. and i saw a comment on the austream chat it said " don't be doing nothing in that room you two(;" it was from alex! lmao!! too funny.

A: we might not (;

G: *hits austin on the shoulder* AUSTIN! SHUT UP!

After Austream me and austin kissed and kissed and KISSED. we never got tired until mama mahone stopped us buy calling us!

mama mahone: kids! come downstairs i have someone for you guys too meet.!

this is our new house keeper. her name is angel. she will be keeping it cleaned around here! 

GG: she had on this tight outfit and she looked like a tramp no hate! and she looked 19. Austin couldn't keep his eyes off her. it was making me mad. this isn't gonna be good. 

* whatcha think about the new drama?(;*

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