love to remember (part 15)

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Austin's pov - i'm on the plane on my way to philly. YEE this will be my first concert here. its the springle ball. i also have a new song i will be performing for them(;

GG'S POV - me and austin fell asleep on the plane ahh he is such an amazing cuddler. when we landed in philly we got to the hotel room the first thing austin does is jump on the bed. typical him. haha then all of a sudden he picked me up and spun me around on the bed. if i fall i will hurt this boy....

Austin had fallen off the bed so i decided to mess with him so i said is clark ok....(;

Austin: that's not funny. it he gets broken i can't make babies with you(; 

GG: who said i wanna make babies with you(; 

and just with that austin picked me up and put me in the bathtub and turned the water on. and on top of that i had on a white shirt!!!!!!!

Austin: oh well look at you(;

GG: Austin i am gonna kill you!

Austin: you can't baby you love me too much(;

i started running after him until dave came in and put austin in the bathtub. i was laughing so hard!!!

Austin: daveeeeee my hair!!!!!!

GG: aww poor austy(;


* rehearsals for the springle ball*

Austin: wow!! i can't wait to perform here tomorrow!!

GG: i'm so proud of you(: i kissed him with passion. he has come so far! i can't wait to see him hit that stage tomorrow(:

after austin was done rehearsing. we went back stage and sat on the couch. we were kissing i swear i never get tired of those lips!! urgh. so it started raining and austin thought it would be good to go outside in the rain. so i went with him, we danced and sung and ran around, until it happen....... we kissed in the rain(: it was so adorable(: ill never forget it. Austin: i love you(: i know we have only been dating for a little while but i do love you and i mean it(: 

* so no drama in the chapter* but i do have some for chapter 17(; sorry this chapter was boring. tell me what you think! im still thinking about ending the story.

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