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GG'S POV - wow!!!! Austin really out did me last night(; he is so good if you know what i mean(; tbh i couldn't even stand up right for about 5mins. i was in the bathroom about to get in the shower until i turned around and Austin was there. he was holding my waist. 

Austin: hey baby. *kisses my neck* kisses my ear* and kisses all over my face. 

hehe it felt goood tho (; 

Austin: you were amazing last night(;
GG: teheh thank you(; i had alot in me(;
A: ahah i know(;, wanna take our first shower together?(; my mom won't know.
GG: sureee(;

And with that we did two rounds(; 

* ok thats enough of the nasty!!!* lol 

Austin's pov - i'm glad to see my baby smiling again and i'm happy its because of me(: but i really wanted to know what her and her mom were talking about on the phone. i hope it wasn't something like " i want you two to break up" it really scared me. today i had an interview so me and my mom and the rest of the crew were on our way. i know they will bring up all the stuff that just happen. i will have to cool down when they ask me. plus my amazing girlfriend was by my side so i'm good. when we arrived at the interview there were alot of mahomies outside wanting me to sign stuff. i'm happy they are here. they got me where i am today<3. 
GG: baby whatever they say don't let it get to you. rememeber we are all here for you<3 she kissed me and said " i love you". it made me smile.

interviewer: so austin how's it been going?
A: its been kinda good.
I: so any new music coming up?
A: yeah my new single will be out in 2 weeks * everyone clapped*
I: great great. so can you tell us about the party thing?
A: oh um well.................. its kind of personal but ill tell you some of the details.

Austin's pov - i told him about it. but it was really making me upset. i want them to talk about my career not my mistakes. gg was mouthing words to me. you can tell she said " i love you" and smiled. i walked backed out thinking about her. she cheered me up. and so did my mom. she was prob that i told them. i always have to be honest its the best key.

I: so will you sing a few songs for us?
A: yeah sure..

GG'S POV - i smiled at austin when he was singing. its just like when he first came out. it was just him and his guitar. after all we been through at the end of the day its worth it.
After austin's interview was over mama mahone let us have some "alone time" we went to the movies. we wen't to see " the avengers" I LOVED IT. me and austin cuddled the whole time and i was feeding him popcorn and he kept trying to bite my finger. aww he is so cute<3 

when the movie was over we were walking over to the grass and layed down and looked at the stars. 
Austin: you are the star that is glowing the most. the one that stands out. you are my love<3 and my everything. i love Gabrielle. i hope one day you could be my *fiance*.
GG: AWWWW AUSTIN<333 you are so amazing. i love you so much<3 i hope i can be her too one day(:
A: i wanna grow old with you and have a family.<3
GG: stop i'm gonna cry (':
A: (: never take your " forever" necklace. no matter what we go through we are " forever".

GG'S POV - the rest of that night was amazing. i am so blessed to have a boyfriend like austin. other girls that he dated were stupid to let him go.

A: and i have another surprise for you after i'm done my concert this friday.

GG'S POV - wow!! i could have never asked for anything better rn<3 

me and austin got back to the hotel and the first thing he did was go to sleep. dave and mama were also sleep. i decided to go out the hotel and go sit in the front and clear my mind. no one was outside so it was relaxing. until i heard someone say " you get my note".

* :o* did you like it????(: tell me watcha think! and thanks for reading(:

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