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Austin's pov - i was where GG was now. i called her mother even tho she really didn't wanna talk to me he gave me the info. deep down inside she wanted me and gg to get back together. 

so gg was in school at the moment and i had the perfect plan to try and get her back


GG'S POV - me and josh were walking around in the hall way. we skipped class heheh(: we were standing by the lockers 

Josh: gg there is something i have to tell you.......

Austin's pov - i was rehearsing i was gonna surprise gg on stage just like b4 but it was gonna be slightly different. i was kinda tired so i took a five 5min break so i decided to walk through the halls to clear my mind. i was walking and i saw this girl and guy on the lockers and they were kissing. it made me remember how me and gg use to be. when they released i just realized that it was her...........................................................................

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