For some reason I feel like I'm five again, assuring them I didn't punch Avery for stealing my bow. I totally did but I didn't want to get in trouble. I probably look like a nut job to any passing stranger but, even now, I don't want to let my parents down.

Everything I do is to impress them: our grades, the sports we play, keeping the house in one piece and so much more. If it wasn't for the thought of pleasing them I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed again. Life went on though, so I had to too.


I returned to the car pissed off because I can't even punch the twins for their comment.


Ashton and I walk to my locker before lunch, my fingers fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. I may have forgotten a jacket this morning.

"Where were you this morning?" He asks, taking my backpack from me so I can grab my stuff.

I shrug, "It's the twins birthday so we came in late."

His face lights up, "That's right! I have a gift for them."

He's so adorable when he's excited, I almost forget what I'm doing. Almost. I shove the books I need into my bag before closing my locker. I go for my bag but Ashton moves it away.

I try again to no avail, the smug smirk on his face only aggravating me.

"Ashton, come on, give me the bag." I demand, jumping up for it but he holds it just out of reach. Taunting me.

He chuckles, "No can do, Sweetheart."

I try to get a running start but I miss and almost slam into a row of lockers. His arm wraps around my stomach, silencing me in the process. He takes my silence for cooperation and begins to lift me up, throwing me over his shoulder. Thank God I didn't wear a skirt today.

"I'm not disabled." I pout between attempts to break from his hold. I prefer to do things on my own, even when it's Ashton carrying me in a position where I have a perfect view of his butt.

"No, but you're cute." He offers.

That was smooth. I huff out a breath of annoyance, thankful no one else is around to view our spectacle. Of course my cousin is standing at the edge of the hallway, alone for once, with a glare in place.

We stare at each other, she motions for me to join her. Ashton sets me down after he turns back to see her. I fix my hair as I walk down the hall, Avery doesn't move from her spot at the end. Figures.

"Yes, cousin?" I ask politely, scanning the connecting corridor to make sure it not an ambush attack. Trust me, it's happened before.

Avery looks pristine in white skinny jeans and a cropped red sweater. Her lips pursed in disdain, "Sorry to interrupt your show but here-" she thrusts an envelope into my hands, "it's for the twins, tell them happy birthday."

I'm shocked. Is Avery actually being nice to me? She whips her hair in my face as she turns around to saunter down the hall.

"Thanks!" I call after her.

"Whatever." She mutters, not bothering to turn around. And just like that we're back to square one.


I recount my conversation with Avery to my family on our drive home from Stella's. We have dinner with her and Ella's family for every birthday celebration, one big family.

Silver takes the envelope while Sterling pulls out an identical one, "Conner gave us one too. He was really cool today."

We never receive word from Karen or Earl and Edna so the cards were a total surprise. Sage and I eye each other curiously, perhaps our cousins have some good in the after all.

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