What Would You Do,

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  • Dedicated to Beautiful Fanions. <3

"What?" He cried, staring at me with wide eyes.

I cringed, holding my hands up in a gesture for him to cool his sphincter.

He swept the area as he realized everyone was looking at us, and leaned forward, lowering his voice. "You saw him?"

I nodded. Tarence leaned back, his eyes burning with curiosity. "And?"

I rolled my own, my cheeks reddening as I mumbled, "He kissed me...twice."

His mouth dropped open, and he flattened his palms on the table. This time, he didn't care who heard as he yelled, "Twice?"

I cringed, and groaned. "Terance," I complained, "Not so loud!"

"Okay, okay," He conceeded, lowering his voice as he took a deep breath to calm himself. And then he stared at me, waiting for me to explain.

"I didn't expect them...well, that's not really true," I thought back to the last kiss, it was vaguely expected. "But now he knows where I am. He hasn't visited me since that night, but...I just have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling? Girl, if I were you I'd be on cloud nine."

Rolling my eyes, I settle them back on him, and glare. "Yes, I'm currently trying to reconcile my relationship with my boyfriend, and I should be on cloud nine that another man kissed me - twice."

"Okay, okay," He repeated his words from last time, but this time with a small laugh. "I was just trying to lighten you up - you're down straight in the dumps, I can tell."

I opened my mouth to protest his words, but before denial even left my mouth, I lost my fight, and slouched back in my chair. "I can't win," I groaned, and my forehead fell into my hand.

I could practically feel Tarence's grimace. "Like I said, this is a soap opera." And then he gasped. "Does that mean I'm the token best friend who gives all the good advice and stuff?" And then he got really nervous.

I sat staring at him with an amused expression as he straightened himself and forced his expression into a serious gaze. He then looked at me and said, "Everything happens for a reason."

I stared at him, sitting up straight in a slow manner. And then we both burst out laughing.

"What the hell?" I laughed, leaning on an elbow as my face fell into my hand yet again. 

"I'm sorry. How about, life is like a box of chocolates?" He snorted right after he said that, causing me to shake with laughter as a cackle escaped. 

I shook my head, whiping a tear from my eye. "I don't think you're cut out for the token best friend job. You're more comic relief, I think," I teased him.

"You may be right," He pointed a finger at me, nodding in agreement. 

"Also, the last advice you gave me was that I should totally get that tattoo of bugs bunny on my thigh because it complimented my witty personality," I reminded him, shooting him a glare.

He grinned then. "Hey, bugs bunny was a freaking trickster if I've ever seen one, so obviously he's your spirit animal."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay, so I'm a little sarcastic now and then-,"

"A little?" He cut in.

I continued, ignoring him. "But I'm also innocent and sweet!"

We stared at each other for a moment, before both of us burst into another fit of laughter. 

"You?" He wailed, slapping his knee.

I shook my head, wiping a tear from my eye as I held my other hand up. "Alright, alright, I know. Innocent is a bit of an exaggeration."

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