Andrew had custody of Robert until he decided at 12 he wanted to live with his mother again because she was lonely and he did miss her, plus Andrew found wife #3 by this time.

After Colin's mother passed away, there was a time that Andrew wasn't able to even look at his son without feeling guilty. Andrew had felt as if his son would blame him for Colin's mother's death; In reality, Colin knew it was no more his father's fault then it was his own, some complications lead to her death. 

Colin had lived with His Grandparent's for six months after his mother's passing until Andrew was able to get himself back together and raise Colin. Colin and Andrew missed each other dearly during this time because they were unable to see each other, Andrews parents and thought it was best to keep Colin from his father until he was able to cope with Hildi's death.

When Colin turned 14, he begged his dad to let him go to the same boarding school Logan was in. Andrew understood why Colin wanted to get away so bad. Andrew was in the process of divorcing wife #4 and was moving on to be wife #5 soon.

 McCrea Wife #3 was Janelle long she lasted seven months married to Andrew before she cheated on him with her tennis instructor. 

McCrea  Wife #4 Sandra DeMatteis was married to Andrew a year when Andrew found out she had been faking a pregnancy and tried to claim she had a miscarriage.

McCrea Soon to be wife #5 Kelly Conner, Previously widowed by Kevin Jacobs, divorced from Lyle keels and Jason Petri (Golddigger by opportunity but young and beautiful).

Colin and Robert had kept in touch even after their parent's divorce, and little did Andrew and Alina know, but the boys were going to the same boarding school, The boys had planned it this way. Colin, Robert and Logan had all missed hanging out together over the past year.

Robert was being sent away because he was caught with Alexi Forskey's daughter in the pool house by Alexi and Alina who were heading to have a little Affair behind Alexi's wife's back.

Alina didn't want to deal with Robert sleeping with other potential future husbands daughter's so she sent away her problem like she had done with her stepchildren when she couldn't handle them before. She sent Robert to an all boys school, Knowing his behaviour with girls she didn't want to have him make her a grandmother so young.

Up until Colin, Logan and Robert were 13, Rory, Tristan, Paris, Madeline Louise, Stephanie and the boy's had been inseparable. Logan never actually liked Robert but kept him close to keep Rory and the girl's safe. Everyone only put up with Robert since he was like Colin's brother. Robert had always made the girls feel uncomfortable by telling them how he was going to have many ex-wives, many illegitimate children, somehow outlive his older siblings and leave all the family money to some odd pet. It was creepy and not as funny as he thought it was, everyone knew what Freddy and Franny were like, They despised Robert, but no one honestly knew why because they never spoke about Alina not being their biological mother or what happened to her.

Logan was a little troublemaker and was sent away at 13 a year before Robert and Colin went to boarding school. Logan had been caught having "relations" with Headmaster Charleston's granddaughter by a teacher. Thankfully the teacher didn't tell headmaster Charleston and had just told Mitchum.

This was logans last strike and even Elias had agreed with Mitchum about sending him away until he got his act together. Elias had done the same with Mitchum when he couldn't keep Mitchum out of trouble, Of course, Shira had been trying to get Mitchum to send Logan away much sooner. Honour had already been sent abroad to study years before, so the only thing keeping Shira from having her many affairs was the possibility of Logan finding out about them and telling Mitchum. Shira had only had two kids because she knew Mitchum needed an heir, a male heir to be exact, so she couldn't just stop at Honor. She just did it to keep him.

Logan had known until Colin left for boarding school that knew she was still innocent and innuendos made her blush fiercely. As far as Colin knew she still hadn't ever been kissed since she hadn't had a boyfriend ever, She had just gone to events with Tristan or some boy her grandmother would get to escort her to, Nothing like dates as she was still really young.

Logan and hoped that Rory and Tristan hadn't gotten so close that she had been one of Tristan's secret conquest's. Tristan would often brag about doing sexual things with girls, but a few he would refuse to name because they were as he called them "innocent's." "Innocent's" were the girls who didn't just do things with any guy and he had been the first boy they had fooled around with, Tristan also had said he and the girl's cared enough about each other to keep their relations secret.

Rory had been devastated when Logan was sent away. They had been close before he was sent away. Heck, she was his first and only female best friend, and he was her first kiss from a boy, and he loved that she gave him that Honor. He was 12, and she was 11, She had only kissed him because She saw 14-year-old Honor kiss a boy and she wondered what Honor saw in kissing. After Logan and Rory kissed, they looked at each other and laughed and laughed, nothing had changed with them genuinely.

When Logan was suddenly sent away, Rory had stayed close with Colin and everyone else. She much like Logan didn't really like Robert, she had always said he was weird, so she tried to avoid him as much as possible since Logan was no longer there to keep him away from her.

The Dugrey still employed Logan's Old nanny, so She saw Tristan the most out of everyone, In time he became Logan's fill in for her "tell's everything to guy friend."

The year Colin and Robert both went to boarding school Rory was devastated that she lost 3 of her best friends. She still had Tristan, Paris, Madeline and Louise but she missed Logan and Colin.

Colin being around Hartford still was how she dealt with Logan being gone. Colin would tell her of all the things Logan didn't want to tell Rory because secretly he was in love with her and was sleeping with girls to get experience and to bide his time till he was back home, Hopefully, able to get Rory to agree to be his girlfriend. Logan had hoped she liked him too and he wanted to one day impress Rory


So I'm a Comment whore(I can't deny it I love them and they keep me going), please pretty please leave your thoughts and comments on this story. I have been thinking about this story for months and been actually writing it on and off since I published my last chapter of the last story. I'm nervous but please like and comment. <3<3<3 

Gilmore Girls - What Should Have BeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora