Arc 2A: Lowee Chapter 1 - Titles of Power

Start from the beginning

"Alright then" Terra went up to the door and held up his card to which the chain broke and a door of light appeared which he stepped through.

Chapter Intermission


"Well folks...time to begin this story properly. Welcome to the Hyper G arc, otherwise known as Hyperdimension Gold, and just in case...yes we were directly using material from another game. We don't own ANY rights to that character or the theme alright!? It's not ours just saying but moving on. From here the story will divert into four 'character' segments then one final segment to finish the arc. In the game these segment more or less run almost simultaneously or within hours of each other. There are some hints that tell you the order but only if you look hard enough.

In the game players would pick a Goddess or girl to help at a screen, then go back to the screen on completion and continue. Lowee, from some deduction, has no real tying thread it can be placed anywhere so let's get it done first. Each chapter will only be intro or outro-ed by the character present in each of the girls appropriate segments.

It's from here the Hyperdimension Gold Arc begins with this nice intro video and we the frosty land off Lowee. ENjoy

To kick off this segment, Blanc wanders alone quite some distance away.

Blanc calls out loudly "RAM...ROM, Neptune! Anyone!? Great...I'm so lonely I'm calling Neptune. What happened anyway? I recall fighting those girls...and...losing pretty badly, then this beam of light...and I ended up here" Blanc was some distance away from any town "I am in Lowee but what part of Lowee, I don't recall that tower...or any of the other"

In the distance where big looming Gold Towers, one taller than the others "Right first I need to find a nearby town and get my bearings before going after anyone" the sound of scurrying feet turned her round to a couple of grey wolves "Oh Monsters, you want a piece of me do you!?" the first one lunged at her, to which she forged her mallet and smashed it away "Heh! Too easy" the second one growled

"You want a piece of me too?" Blanc asked but the wolf started giving off an odd pink smoke "What the heck?"

The smoke 'stained' it's fur and enlarged it slightly "Okay...this is odd" and with that it suddenly charged, surprised her and head-smashed her into the air "Ah! What the!?" Blanc though kept her stance and landed "That came out of nowhere, right then..." Blanc charged forward swinging her mallet "Zerstorung" she landed a direct blow but the wolf rolled and landed "What the!? Will you stinking die? Right Transform!"

Blanc shifted to White Heart with her tomahawk (A blunt large Axe) in hand to which the wolf jumped and pounced. Blanc jumped above it and swung down her weapon hard to smash the wolf in the back, then into the ground – causing a small crater – before it vanished to data dust.

Blanc looked round before sighing and reverting to human "That monster...whatever happened to it, it was almost as if it skipped ten levels or so. Right enough talking let's get go..."

"AHHHHH...OOF!" a call of surprise and a thud turned Blanc to go around the nearest hill, keeping her mallet in hand, to see

"Terra!?" Terra was getting up rubbing his lower back

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