3: Leptotythops Carlae

Start from the beginning

''You're supposed to go through the doors, dear...''

A completely disembodied voice brought her back to reality, and she was met with dirty looks from students and teachers alike when she entered, hastily joining the end of the line. A soft giggle followed this; (Y/N) would have been scared, had she not been around strange, magical things forever. Instead, she found herself getting annoyed; especially as the line appeared to be taking forever to go down. She stood there and internally sighed as Hermione, the only girl who was nice to her, was sorted into Gryffindor; (Y/N) was scared to move her mother's shoes, never mind risk her life for someone...she was definitely not going to be with Hermione. She watched as the table erupted into cheers as Harry Potter himself was sorted into Gryffindor; (Y/N) was beginning to see why her parents disliked them. They never seemed to be quiet! As the names continued to be called, and (Y/N)'s boredom continued to grow; as she expected, Draco was sorted into Slytherin. ''Merlin, I hope I'm not going to be a...'' she laughed to herself, ''No, if I say it, it'll happen.''. (Y/N) continued to stand in silence, Amorita beginning to writhe around out of boredom, and then the call finally came;

''Silverlie, (Y/N)?''

With a gulp, (Y/N) stepped up to the hat, shivering ever so slightly as it was placed on her head.

''Ah, the Silverlie child...so very different from your mother...but perhaps a little like your father, hmm? I see a great love for everything but your peers...a thirst to achieve your ends...''

(Y/N) let her head drop a little as she listened to the spiel. A single word had already told her where she was going to be sorted.

''It's clear to me where you belong!''

(Y/N) sighed, and mumbled under her breath along with the hat, ''Slytherin!''

(Y/N) trailed a little sadly over; most Slytherins her age knew that she was, well, far from likeable. And one asshole of a blonde was sure to make his opinion heard. ''I don't want to be anywhere near the animal and her crazed furball!'' (Y/N) looked down in despair; it had just hit her that she would have to deal with Malfoy's bullshit day and night now. How lovely. ''Has she forgotten how to speak like a person?'' he exclaimed, ''Would you prefer it if I told you to leave in cat noises?'' (Y/N) rolled her eyes, trying desperately to ignore the dirty looks she was getting as well as Malfoy's comments. ''Try and ignore him, dear,'' whispered the same voice from earlier, ''I promise you'll be fine as long as you work hard and keep your head down.'' (Y/N) was still confused by the voice, so she replied quietly, ''Uh, thank you, I guess?'' Of course, Malfoy heard this, and immediately said; ''It can't understand you, you know, Silverlie!'' (Y/N) sighed again, and put her head on the table. She ate little, and was immensely happy when she made it to her dorm room. Surprisingly, though, an owl was already at the window; it was most definitely the owl that had been spying on her earlier, and she clutched a letter written in absolutely beautiful copperplate handwriting.

''Dear Miss Silverlie,

It was simply splendid luck that you were sorted into Slytherin; that makes it much far easier for me to arrange a meeting with you. It's already apparent that you have difficulty with people and, being a fellow pureblooded witch, I have taken it upon myself to make sure you aren't taken advantage of by snide (albeit rather alluring) characters like Draco Malfoy.

I'll meet you in the courtyard tomorrow at five p.m. I hope you like tea.

Yours truly,

A friendly owl''

(Y/N) didn't even have a moment to give anything to the owl before it was gone. Instead, her mind went straight to the fact that there was no name on the letter. All of (Y/N)'s thoughts about the owl from before came flooding back; was it a spy for its owner or something? Was it a...and then it hit her. There was a very likely reason the letter was signed 'a friendly owl'; the owl could in fact be a witch. Whoever sent this letter...''They're an Animagus! Merlin, they must be absolutely amazing at magic to be one while still in school...'' (Y/N) smiled; she was undoubtedly excited. She was desperate to meet this mysterious, shapeshifting witch. But after mere moments of laying in her bed in silence, wrapped up in a happy blanket of thoughts, the door burst open again. She'd forgotten she had to have a dorm mate. ''Ew, I why do I have to get the cat loser?'' (Y/N) looked up and rolled her eyes, retorting, ''I don't know, why do I have to have the slobbery old dog looking loser?'' The ugly girl glared at her, sounding much like the breed of dog she resembled as she growled. And then Amorita began to hiss. ''Amorita, don't attack the nice doggy,'' (Y/N) said condescendingly, ''Or you might hurt her pwecious feelings.'' The girl stormed closer to Amorita, who really was gearing up for a fight now; (Y/N) snatched her up, exclaiming, ''Save your claws for the scratching post, Amorita!'' (Y/N) hastily grabbed her pyjamas and locked herself in the bathroom to change. After she'd gotten back into the room, she realised that her 'friend' was already asleep. (Y/N) fell asleep soon after. She was woken up the next morning by a pillow to the face. ''Wake up! Your dumb furball is trying to kill me!'' (Y/N) sighed, stretching a little and brushing her (H/C) hair out of her eyes. As soon as she caught Amorita's eye with her steely gaze, the Kneazle stopped attacking the girl. (Y/N) did a showy gesture with her hand as if to say 'ta-da!' and then asked, ''Are you going to thank me...uh...whatever your name is?'' The girl huffed, replying shortly, ''Pansy Parkinson.'' (Y/N) nodded her head, ''Okay then. Seeing as you fawn over Malfoy so much, you've probably heard him say my name before. So you know it already.'' (Y/N) didn't fully understand her own convoluted statement, but Pansy nodded, still looking angry. ''You're (Y/N) Silverlie, and you can't talk to people normally. That's why you talk to that Kneazle.'' (Y/N) blushed a little, but Pansy had left before she could retort. With a sigh, (Y/N) dragged herself through the morning routine. Nothing notable really happened that day; of course, the first day in a school of magic was wonderful, but it was rather overshadowed by insult after insult from Malfoy and his stupid group. Instead, she let herself think about the owl; she read the letter over and over again, waiting for it to eventually be time for her to meet the elusive witch. But of course, Malfoy even had to ruin that for her. It was a mere hour before the meeting, and (Y/N) was spending her free time talking to Hermione and her friends. They were far more pleasant to talk to than her fellow Slytherins. ''Don't you find it at all scary that someone you've never met is so desperate to meet you?'' Asked Hermione. (Y/N) chuckled, replying lightly, ''I get that a lot from mother's friends anyway; I'm used to being expected to see people.''. Hermione sighed gently. ''But that's different. You have no idea who this owl witch is! She could want any number of things-'' Hermione was swiftly cut off, ''Yeah, but it'd be bloody great if this girl isn't lying! Having a super-skilled witch want to protect you for free is basically like being famous! And I mean, from her letter, she seems pretty similar to you anyway, so why you're so scared about it is beyond me...'' Hermione huffed, ''Ronald! I'm just worried that (Y/N) could get hurt by whoever this is! Who knows, it could have been Malfoy himself who sent the letter, or perhaps someone even more nefarious!'' The group went silent for a moment, but then Harry hastily added, ''It can't possibly be that dangerous. And even if it is, it's just a student; (Y/N) could easily report them if anything happens.'' (Y/N) nodded thoughtfully, replying, ''And as we're in the same house, it would be even more legitimate, I suppose. Most people wouldn't report someone in their own house-'', ''Especially Slytherins!'' It sounded like Hermione had attempted to bat Ron out of the conversation with whatever she was holding, as the two began to argue like children. But their childish argument stopped when the usual culprit of ruining things arrived. With one quick motion, Malfoy had taken the letter from (Y/N)'s hand and read it over. ''Well, well,'' he mused, ''It seems like at least one person in our house cares about you.'' (Y/N) smiled triumphantly, mumbling, ''More than you've ever done for me, Malfoy...'' He smirked back at her as he shredded up the letter in seconds. ''Perhaps if you'd let yourself be raised right and actually attended some of our banquets then we could have been friends, Silverlie. Our families happen to like each other; it's just that neither of them like you.'' (Y/N) felt tears welling up in her eyes as she began to remember little comments her parents had made over the years; was she really unwanted by them? (Y/N) wanted to punch her brain in two to make it stop overreacting but she just couldn't stop her thoughts. ''St-stop it...I haven't...I've never done anything to you!'' (Y/N) tried her best to sound angry, but it came out as pure sadness. It wasn't like she hadn't thought about attending those banquets, or about being friends with Malfoy. The thought of being able to stand at his side while he genuinely smiled was just...(Y/N) didn't want to finish that thought. She knew she was just going to hurt herself if she didn't keep ignoring her wants. Upon realising that (Y/N) was seriously too stunned with sadness to continue her argument, Harry stepped forward for her; ''Leave her alone, Malfoy. You heard her, she's never done anything to you!'' Malfoy snickered, replying darkly, ''Perhaps that's why no-one likes her. You really don't understand the expectations of her, Potter, so there's no reason to get invol-'' he was cut off by an owl. An owl (Y/N) recognised; it was her. ''(Y/N), my dear, you're rather late...say goodbye to your friends now. Our meeting is a matter of the utmost importance.'' All eyes were back on (Y/N) again, and she found herself running after the owl almost instinctively. Malfoy yelled something after her, but she didn't hear it; instead, she followed the owl. Whatever this owl wanted to say was going to help her survive this school, and (Y/N) most definitely wanted to hear it.

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