Chapter 3: Quirk Time

Start from the beginning

"I'M WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN THAT SHITHEAD YOU'VE GOT IN THERE! I'M THE ONE YOU REALLY WANT!" His muscular shoulders heaved up and down as his body shook angrily. 

If looks could kill, his crimson-eyed glare would have left the villain gone in a flash. His palms began to let off smoke due to the amount of sweat his stress was producing. 

NO! KATSUKI YOU IDIOT! What are you thinking?! [Y/n] thought. Her face contorted into a distraught expression, trying to tell him to stop. 

But it was too late. The villain was convinced by his conviction. Quickly dumping her body harshly onto the ground, the villain launched himself at Katsuki.

[Y/n] collided hard with the pavement, taking what little breath she had away. She was facing a brick wall and desperately gasping, trying to catch her breath. Eventually, a harsh cough brought the remaining slime from her lungs out onto the pavement below her. [Y/n]'s lungs sighed in relief as clear air returned. Groaning loudly, she tried to roll over on her side to see what happened to Katsuki. Her arms wobbled from exhaustion and her head felt like it was underwater as everything sounded far away and muffled. She fought to stay conscious.

That villain drained all my energy, I can't even heal myself right now... 

[Y/n] looked around and saw that the villain had left, taking Katsuki along with them. Her eyes widened as she heard an explosion go off behind her in the market street. More quickly followed, along with the sound of buildings collapsing and people screaming.

[Y/n] placed her palms on the pavement and tried to push herself to her feet. But she was already so weak she could barely lift herself. She felt like a huge weight was pressed on her chest, making her muscles sore and shaky. Explosion after explosion was detonating in the street behind her. A bead of sweat ran down her temples.

This is bad! Fuck, come on body! MOVE!

[Y/n] exhaled a shaky breath as she tried again to stand. Her arms continued to shake and her muscles screamed in pain. She groaned as she quickly moved her leg, placing her knee under her chest and her foot against the ground. She pushed up and slowly stood on both legs, using the wall in front of her to steady herself. Her knees popped as they stretched. [Y/n] immediately felt more lightheaded as she stood, her head feeling fuzzy and heavy, her vision blurring. She leaned her body against the brick wall for complete support. Her (h/c) hair fell in front of her face as her breathing slowed down. Her body slowly fell more and more limp. It was telling her to give up and pass out, and she was listening.

An explosion went off again, this time, closer to where [Y/n] was. Her (e/c) eyes widened.

I can't give up now. I have. To. Keep. Going! Katsuki fought for I...should...too. [Y/n] frantically thought to herself. She forced her breathing to become more regular as she slowly pushed herself off the wall and stood, shakily on her feet. Katsuki! He helped me get out but now, where is he? These explosions have to be his, right?!

[Y/n]'s ears were met with a familiar angry scream.


[Y/n] took a couple of steps out of the alley and toward the road. Her thigh muscles tightened in pain and the heaviness in her head returned. She looked out onto the destroyed street. Small fires littered the roads and buildings, while debris fell everywhere. A crowd of on lookers watched as a few pro heroes attempted to stop the slime villain. [Y/n] watched as the villain let off explosions from its body. The heroes quickly retreated, being too busy trying to save innocent people to stop the villain, who was left to rampage more of the street.

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