Chapter 24

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It's Wednesday today and Hayes just got home from school. We are talking about Magcon and then Hayes looks at me.

"We can't do this anymore" Hayes says. I look straight at him. Is he trying to break up with me?

"Hayes, don't say that" I say. He sighs.

"Gillian, I hate not seeing you every day. I hate having to worry if you're okay or not and not being able to protect you" I understand what he means. This has to work though.

"Hayes, stop. We can do this. We've done it for 2 weeks it's fine. I'll be done with everything in a month" I tell him. His face is a little more softening when he looks at me now.

"Promise me you won't do anything to make this not work" Hayes says and I put out my pinky.

"I promise. Promise me that you won't" my pinky is still there waiting for him to take mine too.

"I promise" he says and grabs onto my pinky. Our pinky's are attached and I look at him and then our pinky's again.

"Promise me" I say and he smiles.

"That we'll be together forever" he says exactly what I was going to say.

At the same time we both say "I promise"

Today is Thursday so I have to leave at 11 today. I start packing up my stuff because it's already 10:30. Elizabeth and Johnnie are coming at noon and I need to be gone before they come.

"Alright boys, I'll see you tomorrow" Taylor says. He gives Logan to everyone and then Layla and then he puts them and Lacy in the car. I hug everyone goodbye and kiss Hayes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask Lucy.

"Yes" she smiles and hugs me. I hear gasps and I turn around to see Elizabeth.

"Hi" I say quietly.

"You aren't supposed to be here, you ran away" Elizabeth says.

"How do you know that?" I ask her. Is she tricking me?

"Because your mother called me" Elizabeth says. I sigh and I close my eyes.

"I'm going home right now. I'm sorry" I say and Elizabeth smiles.

"I understand where you're coming from. I did that with Chad all the time" I smile back at her. I hug her and walk out the door and sit in the passenger seat next to Taylor.

Probably the shortest chapter ever written. There is one more chapter and that's short too and then the sequel!

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