Chapter 14

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Today Hayes and I are picking out baby names with everyone. We're going to pick from 10 girls names and 10 boys names so everyone from my appointment is here plus Matt who is still being a dick but Mike is making him help and so are Kristen and Dylan.

"Boys names are first" I say and Hayes reads off five.
"Noah Matthew Grier" Hayes says. Almost everyone said yes it was 9 out of 11. Carter and Taylor are the ones who said no. "Seth Jared Grier" Hayes says the second name. Everyone said no. "Logan James Grier" everyone says yes to this one. "Dylan Davin Grier" most people say no so that one is crossed off. I think Dylan is the only one who said yes. "Joshua Bradley Grier" everyone again says no so it's crossed off and now it's my turn to read 5.

"Isaac Michael Grier" most people are shaking their heads. "Owen Hunter Grier" everyone is shaking their heads. "Andrew Ezra Grier" everyone is shaking their heads. This is funny. "Hunter Logan Grier" it's around half and half. "Zachary Devin Grier" I say and everyone shakes their heads.

We have 3 names left. Noah Matthew Grier, Logan James Grier, Hunter Logan Grier

"Now for the girls. Sophia Samantha Grier" most people are shaking their heads. "Isabella Victoria Grier?" I ask and most of everyone is shaking their heads and Hayes crosses off the name. "Samantha Kristen Grier" a lot of people say yes so we keep it. "Ava Leah Grier?" I ask and everyone shakes their heads and Hayes crosses off the name. "Lilly Vanessa Grier?" I ask and some people are shaking they're heads and some are nodding. Hayes crosses it off and comes over to me so he can read names now. "Zoe Lynn Grier" he says and people are nodding so I keep it. "Madison Jade Grier?" He asks and people are shaking their heads so I cross it off. "Ella Jaylee Grier" everyone nods. "Aria Savannah Grier" no one says anything so I cross it off. "Layla Elizabeth Grier" everyone is nodding so I keep that one too.

We have four names left. Samantha Kristen Grier, Zoe Lynn Grier, Ella Jaylee Grier, and Layla Elizabeth Grier

We have 3 names for boys and 4 names for girls. We need one each.

Hayes looks at me and smiles. "What, Hayes?" I ask him and he laughs.
"You're birthday is in two weeks" Hayes smirks.
"So is the day I become 7 months pregnant and don't have to go to school for another 7 months" I say. "What's your point?" I finish and Hayes sighs.
"Hey, we're going to have a beautiful baby together and it doesn't matter about school or the baby right now, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about your 17th birthday."
"You're birthday is coming up too Hayes" I say and he smiles.
"The baby is my gift. What's yours?" Hayes asked.
"The baby" I say and he laughs.
"Your real present" he says.
"You" I say.
"You got that 7 months ago" Hayes says and he kisses me. He is hugging me too.
"Hey you two, we don't need two babies" Nash says. Hayes gets off of me and laughs. "And we don't need you crushing one either" Nash laughs and Hayes chases him down the stairs. I laugh at them and then I remember when the boys would chase me downstairs. I can barely walk up and down them now.

I pack up my things that I need like my charger, laptop, blankets, pillows and clothes and I push them downstairs. "What the hell?" I hear the boys say. Then I get my mattress and bring it over to the stairs and I see the boys all standing there.
"What are you doing?" Hayes asks.
"You're making a mess!" Matt yells. I sit on the mattress and push myself down all the boys are screaming while I scream "Mattress Surfer!" and when the mattress hits the last stair I fly forward a little and I sit there and laugh. Hayes shakes his head smiling at me.
"Are you trying to kill that baby?" he asks and points to my stomach.
"No, I'm just trying to have fun" I shrug and have Hayes help me get off the mattress and then we all bring my stuff over to one spot.
"You need to be careful" Hayes says. "You've gotten seriously hurt three times and we don't need there to be a fourth" Hayes says.
"That was like 10 years ago" I say.
"It was 6 months ago" Hayes says.
"Those were people hurting me not me hurting myself" I say and he sits on my bed.
"Just be careful, alright?" he says. I nod. I need to be careful.

A/N- Edited.

The Magcon LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora