Chapter 11

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I have to rest for another week and I don't even know if that's possible for me to miss this much school. Lucy is bringing me my homework everyday though so that's good. I've been resting with Hayes the past 3 weeks. I wonder if the boys think I'm doing this on purpose.
"Why did you beat up Emma in the first place?" Matt asks. I look around the room.
"What are you talking about?" I ask. Matt looks at me.
"Are you actually going to try and deny it?" he asks and I get mad.
"I'm not denying it, Matt! Who had to go to the fucking hospital for the 3rd time this month?" I yell at him and that's when the other boys come in the room but they all come in and stop they don't get closer to us.
"Well she's stronger than you" Matt says and I squint at him.
"So she told you I started it?"
"Well here's what really happen. She went to the bathroom and I followed her to see what she was up to, no girl goes into the bathroom in the middle of a dinner with her boyfriend unless she's doing something. I went in and shut the door quietly so she wouldn't know I was in there. I heard her talking to her boyfriend of two months about how he better get her a present for their two month anniversary, and sex was her present. Anyway then she turned around and saw that I was there, and she said not to tell you but I said I would. So she attacked me and slammed my head into the counter, and then I don't know what else she did because I was basically passed out. So long story short she's cheating on you because she's a gold digger" I say. Everyone's mouths are just wide open as they stand behind us.
Matt nodded and sighed. "Okay, well you don't like her so you probably just lied about all of that." Now my mouth was open and everyone else's was even farther open. Matt walked out the door and I looked back at everyone else with the same expression I had before.
"Did he actually just say that?" I asked and everyone nodded.

"Hey Gill, we have a lot to talk about, what's with everyone's long faces?" Lucy laughed. "Get it? 'cause your mouths are open and it makes your faces longer? Okay, Gillian" Everyone was smiling at Lucy's comment.
"Do you have any juicy things to tell me?" I ask her. She smiles at me. Here comes another one. I don't mind much they make me laugh. Lucy always finds a way to brighten my day.
"Well I like pineapples" she says and then starts giggling. "Okay serious time. Mason was talking shit about you, here's your homework" she says
"Mason was talking shit about me?" I ask. Setting down the homework.
"Let's talk about homework!" Lucy cheers and sits on the couch with her binder. She starts to open the binder and I close it. "Hey, I need to finish all that shit" she says.
"Mason was talking shit about me?" I ask for the second time.
"That homework though" Lucy shakes her head. I look at her telling her I'm serious and she sighs. "Okay fine, so he was talking to his friends about you but then he said he was using you for sex and that he was coming over today and he was going to try and do stuff." The boys stop smiling and their mouths drop again.

"Not uh" Hayes says and I look at him and smile.
"I'm going to school tomorrow" I say, preferably to Lucy but everyone hears and they shake their heads and tell me I'm not going. "It's dangerous" "You're not supposed to" "You could get worse" I honestly don't care. I'm going tomorrow.
"We'll all be here to protect you tonight, don't worry" Cam says.

I hear a knock at the door and I open it. I already know who it is, it's Mason. "Hey"
"Bye" I say and close the door but he puts his foot in the way to stop it from shutting.
"Don't shut the door on me, Gillian. I love you" Mason says.
"Oh do you?" I ask sarcastically. He nods. "I like Hayes, and I'm dating him so I'm good" I say and try shutting the door again.
"I didn't use you. If you've heard what people are saying, it's not true" he says and I shake my head.
"Stop, Mason" is all I say. I didn't know what else to say.
"Gillian, don't push me back. I love you" Mason says and I look at the boys. That's when he comes in and hugs me, Hayes's eyes widen. Hayes rushes over to me and unwraps Mason's arms from my body and then Hayes hugs me, Hayes hugs me from behind, so that we're both looking at Mason.

"Oh, so this is why I'm not supposed to be here" Mason says and Hayes nods.
"Please leave, Mason"
"You know what? You're a slut. You come have sex with me for around a week and then you date him?"
"Honestly? I had sex with you once!" I yell.
"That's why you're pregnant?" He asks.
"Excuse me?"
"There's a reason you've been getting hurt, because you're puking and don't want anyone to know"
"No, Mason. That's a lie!" I say. "Get out of my house. Now" I say and Mason steps out.

"I'm taking a walk" I tell everyone and Hayes doesn't let go of me. "Alone, Hayes" I say and he lets me go. I walk out the door and walk down the stairs of my house. All the sudden I feel someone grab my waist. I thought it was Hayes but when they covered my mouth, I knew it was Mason.

*Hayes's POV*

"Hayes" I think I hear someone scream I look around. "Did anyone hear that?" I ask and Lucy nodded. We all run out of the house to see what's going on and we see Mason with one hand on Gillian's hip and one on her mouth. All the boys run at him and Lucy is getting Gillian and bringing her inside meanwhile the boys and I are beating the shit out of Mason.

When Mason had finally had enough we see Gillian and Lucy on the couch. I take a seat next to Gillian and I hug her from the side. Carter sits next to Lucy and the rest of the boys which is Nash, Cam, and Taylor sit on the other couch. "I hit him so hard. I punched him in the eye and then the nose I think. It was like when Cam tricked me and that hurt like a bitch." Taylor says and we all laugh.
"I made his lip bleed and then I hit his nose too" Cam says and we smile.
"I kicked his tummy" Nash smiles a little smirk. We all laugh at his word choice.
"I kicked and punched. I kicked him in the balls a couple times. Try and get someone pregnant now" Hayes says and I look at him.
"I'm not actually pregnant" I say to him and he nods.
"I know" he says and I blink a few times and look at Carter who's saying what he did.

A/N- Edited

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