Chapter 13

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*6 months later*

I'm now six months and two weeks pregnant, today actually. So far you can see the baby, it's a small bump but it's big enough for me. Everyone knows I'm pregnant. I'm still going to school until I'm seven months and then I'll be doing online school until I can go to school again. I don't even know if I want to go to school. Today I'm talking to my principle about it.

"So, I have the understanding that you'll be doing online school due to pregnancy?" the principal asks me.
"Yes" I reply
"Okay so you can do that until the baby is 5 months and then you have to come back. You can come here on Tuesday's and Thursday's or Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It should be three days a week. Days you are sick Lucy Winters will be bringing you your homework correct?"
"Yes" I reply.
"Circle the days you'll be coming in and bring the papers back tomorrow giving me the information" I leave the office and go home for the day. The boys are waiting at home and I look at the papers.

Mooresville Central School.

Pregnancy papers for Gillian T. Hilkert-Espinosa

The student Gillian Hilkert-Espinosa will be out for this year of 5 months and going to school

(Circle two or three)

Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday

The baby is allowed to come in for two periods only otherwise you will need to go home and you lose a grade for that day which goes on your record and can get a lower percentage on your average.

I read a few more things and ask the boys what days to go to school. They say Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday so I agree and talk to Hayes, mom, and Mike about it when they all get home and Elizabeth, Chad, and Johnnie come and see too. Everyone agrees and I circle those days.


I bring back the papers today and I have a doctor's appointment today too.

First I bring back the papers. "So you'll be in Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Okay. You'll still be going to school until how long?" the principal asks.
"When I'm 7 months which is in two weeks" I say and he nods.
"Alright, get to class" he says and I smile and walk to my class and find Lucy.
"Don't you have a doctor's appointment?" she asks me whispering.
"After school" I whisper back and Lucy nods.


I'm done with all of my school for this entire week because today is Friday. Lucy and I get home and I get ready for my doctor's appointment. We wait for Hayes to get home from school and Nash and Cameron still have to walk over but I think they're waiting for Hayes. Matt is out with Emma so I don't know if he's even coming and Taylor is sitting with me complaining about waiting while Lucy is sitting next to Carter and they will talk and then kiss and then I hear my name.
"Excuse me?" I ask. Lucy and Carter look over at me. They both smile and go back to what they were doing.

Cameron gets here with Skylynn around 5 minutes later. Nash and Hayes aren't behind him though and that's when I worry. "Nash is picking Hayes up from school. Elizabeth is waiting for them and Chad is coming but not Johnnie he's gonna stay and watch Skylynn" Kristen and Dylan are going to be there too and I bet they are already there.
"Anything on Matt?" I ask and Cameron shakes his head. I see Elizabeth, Johnnie, and Chad walk over.
"Come on Skylynn" Johnnie says. Skylynn hugs me and runs over to her dad.
"Tell me how it is!" Skylynn yells from across the room.
"Good luck, Gillian" Johnnie says and Elizabeth and Chad sit on the stairs. My mom and Mike come out and talk with Elizabeth and Chad and then I hear Nash and Hayes run over.

"Babe!" Hayes yells and I stand up as he runs over to me. "How do you feel? How was school? Are you excited? Hi!" I laugh at Hayes.
"I feel fine, school was fine but boring, and yes I'm excited. Hi, Hayes" I say and he hugs me and kisses me and then rubs my stomach.
"Let's go" my mom says.
"Matt isn't here"
"Then he isn't going, we'll be late" my mom says and we all pile out the door. The parents take a car and Cameron drives the other one while Nash is in the front and Hayes and I are in the back and they Carter drives while Lucy is in the front and Taylor is in the back on the next car.

I get in the place and I immediately get scared. What if the baby isn't okay? What if it is dead or sick? "Calm down" my mom says and rubs my back. Hayes holds my hand.

"Gillian" the doctor says and we all stand up. "Lots of people" the doctor smiles. "Let's see there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 13 of you, ya'll can come in. We'll see if there's enough room" the doctor says and I get on the bed and Hayes stands right next to me holding my hand and my mom stands next to Hayes and Elizabeth and Chad stand next to my mom. Kristen and Dylan stand behind Mike who is behind my mom and then the boys are over on the end of my bed. "It's going to be cold" the doctor says and I take a deep breathe but she runs the gel over my stomach. You can see the baby. It's all there. "Here it is, its hands, feet, head" the doctor points to things you can see clearly on the baby. "I can tell you what the gender is probably" the doctor smiles and I look at Hayes. Hayes nods. "Alright there is a seventy percent chance that it's a girl and a thirty percent chance of it being a boy but you never know. We'll see you in a month and then we'll really know" the doctor nodded. "It's healthy so I'll give you the picture and you'll be off" the doctor smiled and everyone was in the room waiting. I got up and everyone hugged me one by one saying congratulations to Hayes and I. We all went home to see Matt sitting on the couch eating chips.
"How's the baby?" Matt asked with his mouth full and I just walk slowly up the stairs. Once I'm 7 or 8 months I'll have to sleep on the couch because I won't be able to walk up the stairs.

"So do you want a boy or a girl?" Hayes asks.
"I don't know" I sigh.
"I want a boy but I'll love it either way" Hayes smiles. We hear Mike yelling at Matt and I lay down.
"Why is Matt being like this towards us?" I ask and Hayes shrugs.
"I don't know, Matt and I are best friends I think he's just overwhelmed with how protective he is, you know?" Hayes asks.

A/N- Edited.
So what does everyone think about Gillian being pregnant?

Comment and tell me how you like this chapter :)

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