Chapter 18

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*2 months later*

We are all just sitting at my house laughing. I could have my babies any day now. I'm supposed to go into the hospital in a week.

All the boys are laughing at the fact that they were in the bathroom somewhere today and a girl came in because she wanted a picture with them. It is pretty funny but these babies are just kicking really hard and it hurts.

"Gill?" Matt asks. I look towards him and all of the boys are looking at me. "Are you alright?" It was two months ago that all of the shit with Mason happened but if I do so much as look around the room they think something is wrong with me. I nod to answer Matt's question and Hayes walks over to me. The boys start talking again.

"What's wrong?" Hayes's voice is low when he says this to me. It's actually really hot and cute.
"Nothing, I mean the babies are just-" I groan at the pain of one of them kicking me really hard.
"Are you okay?" Hayes asks. He rubs my stomach and I shake my head. "Come here, baby" Hayes says. When he realizes I'm in too much pain to move he picks me up partly and walks me to our bed, helps me sit down and then lay down and he sits on the bed and rubs my stomach.

"Awww" the boys say and Hayes and I smile at each other.

I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up with more pain than I had last night and I realize that I need to go to the hospital because this is ridiculous. "Hayes!" I yell and then I realize he must've went home. I remember last night Hayes told me he was getting his stuff and bringing it here so that he could live here a while. "Matt!" I yell and I hear footsteps.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"No, they are kicking and I can't get up and I want to go to the hospital" I say and Matt helps me up and gets me into the car. He yells to Taylor and Carter telling them we are leaving and texts Nash.

We drive to the hospital and have two cars behind us. My mom and Chad are meeting us there and so is Elizabeth.


I get into a room and everyone is in there with us. The doctor is checking up on me, seeing how dilated I am and that sort of stuff. I hear Hayes thanking Matt and I smile.

"Alright Gillian, you are 8 centimeters so you are really close to being able to push. We feel that it isn't too dangerous and they aren't too big so you have to push them out" I nod and the boys are all hugging me and Hayes is holding my hand.

"Good luck" they all say and stand in the corner so they aren't in the way. My mom and Elizabeth are there and they are holding hands. This is actually really sweet. The boys are excited and Hayes is nervous as hell. Taylor and Carter brought the car seats and extra clothes for me just in case, lucky for me.

"Okay go ahead and start pushing" the doctor says and I push. I squeeze Hayes's hand and the boys are cheering me on. With a lot of pain and tears I hear "Okay one is out, you have to push out the second one now okay?"  and one of the doctors are cleaning off one baby and cutting off it's cord.

With more pushing and crying and cheering I hear "You're good, Gillian. You did great" the doctor wraps up the first baby and cleans off the next and they get them to me.

"The first one is a boy, the second is a girl" the doctor says. "do you have names?"
"The boy is Logan James Grier and the girl is Layla Elizabeth Grier" I say and I hold them tight to my body. The doctors leave and everyone is looking at the babies. I smile.

"We did it" I say to Hayes.
"No, babe, you did it" Hayes says and kisses me.


I got to go home today with the babies and we realize that Hayes's is Logan's and Layla is Mason's.

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