Chapter 12

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*Hayes's POV*

I'm still really pissed off about the whole Mason thing. What if Gillian is actually pregnant with his child? I don't know what I would do. He said she was good at sex. What does that even mean? I guess I'd have to have sex with her to find out. I'm an idiot. I am still mad about Mason though. I won't act like it for Gillian's sake but I'm pissed.

We're going to have a party and all of the girlfriends are invited. This party is at Gillian's. We've had a party at my house before, it was a few days ago but that one was really bad for different reasons that I really don't need anyone to know about, especially Gillian. The boys know but she doesn't.

Matt is really pissing me off too. He's being a jerk to Gillian. Speaking of Matt look who is walking through the door. "Why don't you knock?" I ask him and he glares at me.
"This is basically my house, go home Hayes" he says and walks upstairs to where Gillian is.
"Go away, Matt" I hear Gillian say.
"I need to- are you okay?" Matt asks pretty loudly. I run upstairs and the rest of the boys come in the house. Taylor and Carter are here but they come out of their rooms. Except Taylor. Everyone is around Gillian who is hovering over the toilet.
"Look what you did" Gillian growled at Matt.
"I'm fine. Go away" Gillian says to everyone but Matt and I stay up here. Matt looks at me.
"She needs her brother, go downstairs" Matt says to me.
"Actually you are her step-brother who just happened to leave her over his girlfriend the other day and yesterday while I've been here with her for 3 weeks so I don't want to hear it. You get downstairs." (GO HAYES! Sorry)

Matt shook his head and went downstairs. "Are you okay, babe?" I ask Gillian and rub her back.
"I think so yeah. Good telling off Matt by the way" she smiled and sat on the floor against the wall. I rubbed her stomach then.
"Thank you. Did you eat something bad?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Anything off to you?" I ask and she again shakes her head.
"Actually.." Gillian trails off and starts breathing heavy. "Luc!" she yells and Lucy runs up the stairs and into the bathroom. "Hayes, I love you but girl talk" she says and I go downstairs.

All the sudden I see both the girls dressed and Gillian looks at me and the rest of the boys. "Start the car, I'll be out in a minute" Gillian nods.
"We'll be at the store. It's a tiny emergency, don't worry about it. Matt I'll talk to you after I'm not busy and goodbye Hayes, I love you" Gillian says and I kiss her. She smiles and runs out the door.

Nash comes up to me. "Do you think" he stops and I look at him.
"No" I shake my head and we all sit on the couch.


Gillian and Lucy run in with bags and take the upstairs bathroom. What the hell is going on? Gillian and Lucy come downstairs and look at me. "What?" I ask and Gillian bites her lip. I love when she does that but that's not something I can think about right now.
"I need to tell all of you something" Gillian says quietly. "You're all going to hate me and I don't know what's going on right now but according to 3 tests, I am pregnant" All of our jaws drop. Gillian bites her lip again and hugs Lucy. I swear I hear her crying.
"I just have a question" I say coming closer to her. "Who's baby is it?" I ask and she makes a confused face at me.
"It's obviously Mason's, I didn't do anything with anyone else" this is when I look at Nash.
"Actually, you did" I say and Gillian's eyes get wide.
"I had sex with Nash?" Gillian yells. Then my eyes get wide.
"No!" I yell and she sighs a sigh of relief.
"Thank god, why did you look at him then?" she asked.
"Because, he called it" I say and she looks confused again. I didn't want to say anything about this party but now, I have to. "That party the other night at my house. We were both drunk. I was downstairs with the boys and you were somewhere around the house until you found me and you and I were all over each other I guess. We went upstairs and the next morning everyone was gone, except the boys. The boys looked at me and laughed. Nash was like 'that's how all first timers look' and I told him I've been to a party before and he was like 'Hayes bro, you know you aren't a virgin now right?' and I was extremely confused but then you woke up and I was going to tell you but I didn't want to be mad so it could be either one of our kids. It's most likely mine though because you did stuff with Mason a while ago and mine was a few days ago" I tell her and her mouth is open.
"None of you were going to tell me this? I'm not even mad but why didn't anyone tell me?" Gillian says and sits on the stairs. "I'm only 16 years old! Can the world give me a fucking break!" Gillian screams. "I've been through so much shit these last few months!" Gillian yells again. "How am I supposed to tell my mom?" Gillian cries. I sit next to her and hug her tight.
"I'm so sorry" I say and she puts her head into my shoulder and cries.
"So no party?" Taylor asks and the boys all hit him.
"There's still a party" Gillian wipes her tears and gets up.

*Gillian's POV*

I've met so many new people last night but my mom is home and I have to tell her. Flashbacks of the party last night flood my mind and I smile. "Mom" I say and looks at me. The boys and Lucy are behind me but Hayes is holding my hand. "I have to tell you something and it's really, really bad" I say and my mom nods. "I'm pregnant" I say and my moms mouth is wide open. She looks at Hayes and I's hands and pulls them apart.
"No, no, no. Boys you aren't allowed over anymore, get out of my house" my mom says and I sigh.
"Melissa, knock it off" Mike says, my mom laughs.
"I know, Gillian. The boys all told me already. Honestly I'm mad that you would do that but it obviously wasn't intentional. Who's going to tell Elizabeth? Where's the baby going to live? Hayes are you going to help take care of it? How are we going to do all of this?" my mom asks.
"Melissa, I will help Gillian no matter what it takes" Hayes holds my hand again.
"We're telling my mom right now" Nash says. The boys all say that they'll help with the baby and we walk over to the Grier house.

"Mom, I have something bad to tell you" Hayes tells Elizabeth. Johnnie, Chad, Elizabeth, Will, and Skylynn are all standing there in front of us. "I got Gillian pregnant" Hayes says and holds my hand a little tighter.
"Ow" I whisper to Hayes and he looks at me.
"Sorry" he whispers back.
"Did you guys tell Melissa?" Elizabeth asks. We nod. "Oh my god" Elizabeth sighs.
"Hayes Benjamin Grier, how could you do this? You are 16 years old. Where will the baby live and how are you going to take care of it?" Chad says. "And you, how did this happen?" Chad points to me and I look at Hayes.
"Dad" Nash says to Chad and Chad glares at Nash.
"Don't get in to this Nash" Chad says and looks back at us.
"Okay 3 things, One, stress hurts the baby so don't get her stressed. Two, it isn't any of her fault, I actually took advantage of her when she was pretty much drunk and you're lucky she forgives me! and three, we live right next to each other the baby will live with both of us. I don't know how it will work but the boys said they would help too so chill" Hayes says as if all of this isn't a big deal.
"Wait, there's a baby in there?" Skylynn points to my stomach. I bend down.
"Yes, Sky, there is" I say laughing. Hayes picks her up.
"Where is it?" she asks and Hayes laughs.
"It's in there but it's too small to see" Hayes smiles at his little half-sister.
"I'll see you guys at dinner at Melissa and Mike's tonight" Elizabeth says and we all walk out.

A/N- Edited
Gillian is pregnant!

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