Chapter 8: Dinner and An Intruding Ex

Start from the beginning

'You know its rude, to stare at people while they eat' Carson stated while eating cake whereas Asher simply shrugged off. Tasting blueberry cheesecake Carson moaned in delight, licking the fork.

'You shouldn't do that' Asher reacted with emotions in his eyes that Carson can't fathom.

'Do what?' she forked under sliced and licked it innocently. Asher's eyes darkened.

'Oh Come on, its just cake. Do you want some' she took a slice offering it to Asher. He opened his mouth as he ate the slice she fed him without leaving her gaze.

Carson then, took a napkin, damping it on his lips where there was an icing. He held out her hand as she was to retreat away. His eyes travel on her lips which she bit its lower part. If she didn't know better, Carson knew she is flirting with Asher Stone. That in her opinion is ridiculous notion considering they were arguing just a few moments ago.

Surprisingly, a squeeking high pitched voice echoed.

'Asher Stone!' a big breasted woman wearing a dress that leaves little to no imagination of her body gushed at him. From subtle eyes, Asher's turned back being cold. The woman kissed his cheek, batting his eyelash seductively at him. However, he paid her no attention and proceded to shook hands and man hug with a man in business suit.

'Adrian' he said 'Asher' the man replied enthusiastically. His eyes travelled to Carson who continued eating her cake. She smiled at him which he returned to while Asher block him from Carson's view.

'I believe its about time, you return to your date' Asher gritted his teeth making Adrian shook his head smilingly.

'Relax, Cindy and I were just having dinner as friends' Yeah, friends with benefits Carson voiced out in her mind. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but she heard them nonetheless.

'Asher who is she?' Cindy eyed Carson scrutinizingly. A smirk made its way on her face, seeing her in uniform.

'Is she a relative? or the new flavor of the month?' Cindy bitchly stated obviously implying that Asher beds Carson.

'Its none of your business' Asher said in brief manner but cold enough to say her words meant nothing. Cindy snarled. Carson wanted to give Asher a tap on the back for putting Cindy on her place. She bet, if there were no people around, she had already beamed at him.

However, Cindy seems to have a slow radar. She inched herself to Asher, squeezing her boobs intentionally at his arms.

'You know that I'm more experienced than her in bed, I can make you feel better than she can' she said seductively to an already annoyed Asher.

Though, Carson hated Asher's guts, she wasn't merciless enough to leave him in the hands of the unwanted woman clinging to him like a linch.

Carson snorted making the three people turn to her. The woman named Cindy raised her brows at her

'Excuse me?' she said daringly.

'Oh, I just can't help pointing out that not everyone's like you' Carson replied taking a bite for her cake. Cindy was still clinging at Asher's arm.

'See? even the little pompous girl agree to me?' he batted her lashes at him.

'Yeah, not everyone sleeps around like you do' This time Cindy gave Carson her full attention. Before, she can retort , Carson spoke.

'Well, you did say you're more than experienced. You know there's actually an exact word for that, slut? oh wait whore would be more appropriate.' Cindy's face turned red. She was beyond mad that it was obvious she wanted to hurt Carson.

Asher blocked her while Adrian stood there like a maniac grinning to the unfolding scene.

'Your not seriously siding at her are you?' Cindy beckoned Asher.

'I am.' he replied that made her loose it. Her face was furious. She was about to slap Asher.

Instinctively, Carson stood up and pulled Asher by the necktie towards her. She kissed him torridly.

From the corner of Carson's eyes, she could see Cindy's shocked face. Asher responded and place both of his hands on her waist. Their tongue intwined, battling each other with fervor. They were making out, in public.

Carson didn't know why she kissed him at the spur of the moment. Though, its not the first time she did kiss someone out in the open, she felt great doing it with Asher. His tongue does wondered on her mouth, wanting to dominate over her. It was crazy sensual and hot. The kiss was desperate and deepens by the minute

When Carson pulled away, she rested her head on Asher's chest and turned to Cindy.

'As you can see, it would be best if you keep your hands to yourself than placing it to my man.' Asher stayed glued on the spot, still holding Carson by the waist. Cindy's face fell with so much hatred towards Carson. In the end, Asher grab Carson by the hnd and took her away.

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