“What the fuck happened?” he asks, his eyes widening with concern, panic flickering across his features.

Yoongi purses his lips. “I think she was stabbed,” he answers, pointing to the blood he is trying to stall by pressing the shawl over the wound. Taehyung looks like he is about to say something when voices trickle through the opening of the pathway, and he leaps to his feet, jogging in their direction.

“Over here!” he calls out in a booming tone, successfully snatching the attention of the paramedics who jump out of a blaring ambulance. They lug a stretcher along with them, following Taehyung as he leads them to Yoongi and Miran.

Without a word, the two uniformed figures, a man and a woman, carefully lift Miran up with Yoongi’s help and lay her down gently on the sturdy object. The woman quickly examines the wound, confirming that it is indeed the result of a stabbing when her eyes land on Taehyung, her gaze flitting between him and the barely breathing woman, analysing the resemblance they bear to each other.

“She’s lost a lot of blood. Are you a relation?” she asks him, a sense of urgency to her deep voice.

Taehyung nods. “I’m her brother.”

"Same blood group?" When he nods again, she tips her head towards the vehicle grimly. “Get in. She’ll need a blood transfusion.”

When Yoongi tries to follow them to the ambulance, the male paramedic holds up a palm apologetically. “I’m sorry, but there’s only room for one.”

Yoongi doesn’t protest, simply herding them in and patting Taehyung’s shoulder. When his hand comes away, he realizes it is still stained with Miran’s blood. The very thought sends a chill down his spine. “Go. I’ll meet you there.”

By now, a number of staff and students alike have gathered to watch the scene unfolding before them, and Yoongi grits his teeth in frustration. He doesn’t even want to begin to think of what might have happened had he not acted on his gut instincts. Wiping his hands on his dress pants, he grabs his phone to text Namjoon.

None of them have ever been safe.

When Miran’s eyelids flutter open, she is unsure if she is still alive.

The room is starch white, the walls bare and the paraphernalia non-existent save for a vase which has been placed atop a round table beside her bed. On the far corner of the room, two couches have been arranged side by side, a low-lying leg rest positioned before them. The sunlight filtering in through the windows sets the place ablaze, and the entire space glows with an effervescence which she can attribute only to the afterlife.

But if it hadn’t been for the dull ache which reminds her that her body is corporeal, Miran would have believed she was dead.

When she turns her head, a small smile graces her face. Taehyung is seated on a stool, his head burrowed into the sheets of the hospital bed. His lips are parted as he sleeps, his soft snores uncoiling the knot in Miran’s stomach. She moves to lay a palm on her twin’s head, and the action causes him to jerk upright.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, a grin breaks out over his face. “Miran, you’re awake!”

She tries to laugh, but gives up when she realizes the effort it takes her. And the pain. Squirming in discomfort, she lifts the hospital gown, wincing when she discovers the bandages swaddled over her left side. A dark splotch mars the white material, and Miran knows that if she moves too much, the stitches will give way.

“What happened?”

Taehyung looks up from where he is pressing the call button to alert the doctor, a frown on his face. “You don’t remember?”

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