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did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

no, but it was kind of hard crawling up from the pits of hell


btw: i lied bc idk i really wanted to update for you guys, but that means no update tomorrow :(

day 6: the ashton feels have yet to cease

paigey poo pie is coming back today :)

paaaaiiiiggggeeeyyyy come give me a hug i love you don't ever go away again

happy 4th of July to my american readers...USA USA USA

qotc: if you're american, what are you doing today?

aotc: im packing for the shore bc i'm leaving tomorrow what what

here's the chapter

- b e t h -

The hangovers were bad. Eight hours after I put the boys to bed, they woke up, and rushed to the bathroom.

I woke up only two hours after I had fallen asleep with Luke and just waited for the boys to wake up.

Within those six hours, Calum, Michael, and I sat in the entry hall of the apartment. I was sitting between the two, so when they decided that they were tired, they fell asleep on my shoulders, so I had to sit there for two hours while they slept.

An hour after they woke up, we heard a groan coming from the living area. I told the boys that I would take care of it, and I did. I walked into the living area to find Ashton holding his head in his hands, I sat down next to him and waited for him to notice me. once he did, he was utterly confused, but before he could say anything, he had to get up and rush to the bathroom, where he threw up, a lot. I sent Michael off to find some pain killers while I went to go check on Luke. He was awake, trying to sit up, but was failing. Michael came in soon, with pain killers and a glass of water. Luke took it and I sat there on the bed with him, I was surprised he wasn't throwing up yet.

Fifteen minutes after he had woken up, Luke rushed out of his room and into the bathroom, pushing Ashton out of the way, and throwing up. They stayed there next to each other for a couple of hours until they were sure they were done throwing up.

I sat in between Luke and Ashton on the couch, while Michael and Calum gave us some distance. Both Luke and Ash were cuddled up next to me, trying to get over the fact that they just spent a good three hours next to each other, throwing up. I finally turned off the TV after an hour of watching it, because I really wanted to know why Luke and Ashton were getting drunk together.

"Why was I woken up at six in the morning to come over to this apartment to find you two drunk?" I asked calmly.

Both of them stayed quiet for a few minutes. Luke finally nudged Ashton and looked at him expectantly.

"I felt bad about what happened earlier this week so I called Luke to apologize, and he invited me over." Ashton started.

"And, I don't know, Ashton was pretty upset about something so I gave him a few drinks, and I drank with him and I guess we didn't stop." Luke finished.

"So are you guys okay now?" I asked, hoping Ash and Luke were getting on fine

"Yeah, I guess." Luke shrugged.

I looked over to Michael and Calum.

"Are you still mad at Luke?" I asked Michael.

"Nah, I guess not." Michael replied, I turned to Luke.

"Are you still mad at Calum?" I questioned.

"A little bit." Luke joked. I smacked him lightly and I laughed.

"Thank god that's over, I was getting tired of sitting at a quiet lunch table." I laughed, leaning on to Luke. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him, but I saw him looking at Ashton. He took his arms off of me and sighed.

"Who's hungry?"


We ended up sending Luke out to get chinese food, and had to send Calum with him, considering Luke still didn't really know where anything was. It was just Michael, Ashton, and I sitting on the couch in Luke's living room.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I turned to Ashton.

"Yeah." He shrugged.

"I don't understand why you would let Luke get you drunk." I shook my head at him.

"Yeah." Ashton yawned. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"You're lucky I like you." I ruffled his hair and leaned on him.

"You guys are cute." Michael laughed. I shot him a glared.

"Are you tired, Beth?" Ashton mumbled.

"Nope." I told him and nuzzled my head into his chest more. Michael watched with amused eyes until he heard the door open. I pushed myself off of Ashton and sat in between the two awkwardly.

"We got food!" Luke called. I looked between the two boys and gave them a look as if to say "none of that happened." I got up and ran into the kitchen, where Luke was pulling various foods out of a brown bag.

"Did you find the place, okay?" I asked, picking up the container of Chicken Loa Mien.

"I did, Cal got lost." Luke laughed. I giggled and sat down in a seat next to Luke and smiled at Calum. The other two boys joined us, they were looking at each other as I they had talked about something important in the thirty seconds I had left them alone.

"I love you." Luke mumbled in my ear. I looked at him and smiled softly. I felt bad that I didn't say it back, but I wasn't sure that I did love Luke. he sighed and wrapped him arm around me.

[a/n: wtf is this

look what I figured out how to do ★ preeettttyyy


so basically

Beth is like thank god their man periods are over

Luke is like I love Beth I love Beth but ash also likes Beth and I'm not gonna dangle her in his face I'm gonna be a good friend

Ashton is like I got drunk bc if you Beth you idiot

Michael is like I ship bashton tbh I think Lukes still kind of an asshole

Calum is like I've been living in this town for over ten years and I still don't know where the god damn Chinese food place is

Yep goodbye, this is probably short but whatever.

xoxoxo mary elizabeth]

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