t h i r t y e i g h t

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dedicated to @dyinqqlaughter bc she voted

qotc: what's your favorite TV show

aotc: four weddings and I'm currently on season two of pll

i finally sent a complaint to wattpad about all the bugs in the app bc geez it's just awful

okay chapter

"Hi, Luke," I smiled at my laptop as I answered the Skype call.

"You're lucky I care about you, it's like five in the morning," Luke muttered, causing me to giggle.

"Sorry, you wanted to do this, though," I pointed out, he nodded and stood up from the couch, walking down the hallway to his bedroom.

He sat down on his bed, which had the same black bedspread as he used to have back at his dad's apartment.

"So, what's been going on," Luke asked, crossing his legs.

"Not much, uh, I hung out with Ashton, as you know," I trailed off, playing with my fingers.

"Yeah, how was that, what'd you do?" Luke questioned, running a hand through his hair.

"We, uh, kissed," I looked down.

"Oh, that's nice, I'm glad that you're giving him a chance," Luke muttered, looking down too.

"Yeah, we get along really well, but he's definitely not you," I told Luke, looking back up again. Things were quiet for a while, until I finally spoke again.

"How are things over there? I know you've got a reputation there," I asked.

"Um, I haven't gone out, I plan on keeping a low profile," Luke laughed.

"I hope you find a nice girl over there, you deserve one," I mumbled.

Our lasting want for each other was evident. Talking about the other dating someone else was such a weird thing to talk about. It was like we couldn't imagine the other person with anybody except for us, yet, I was off and kissing other boys already.

"I don't know if anybody over here is gonna give me a chance," Luke whispered. I nodded and watched him slouch slightly. I so badly wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him that I was there, that I'd always be there. But sadly, he was just an image on a laptop, not actually there.

"Maybe your reputation has been forgotten," I said hopefully.

"Nah, ya know, when there's someone that's just awful, you don't forget about that, you might push them to the back of your mind, but you see them again and everything they've ever done comes back to you. All the girls I fucked over, all the boys they cheated on me with, all the people I've cursed out and punched, all the people I've been a shitty person to, they'll remember," Luke explained. I nodded and looked down at my hands.

"I miss you a lot, Luke," I bit my lip.

Luke chuckled and smiled at me, "Right back at ya," He laughed. I smiled at him and shook my head. My phone started ringing and I held up a finger to Luke. He nodded as I answered the call, not bothering to check who was calling.

"Hello?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and smiled at Luke who was patiently waiting.

"Beth, you have to come over," Michael said quickly.

"I thought you were in Philadelphia?" I said.

"I'm back, but it's Cal- Calum, don't touch that...no Cal don't do that...fucking hell-" Michael started yelling.

"What about Cal?" I asked, worry laced throughout my voice.

"He's angry about something his parents did, and something about a girl...I don't know, but he's drunk and he was asking for you- Calum! Please stop...yes she's on the phone with me right now...no, Calum, stop-"

"Beth?" Michael's voice was cut off by Calum's.

"Yeah, it's me," I breathed.

"Michael told me you kissed Ash," Calum muttered.

"That's what I did," I nodded.

"My parents are pissed at me," Calum said.


"I brought a girl home from a party. We were drunk."

"Uh huh," I said, trying to sound interested.

"Then they found about that party I threw, and they got all pissy with me- Hey!"

"Sorry about that, Beth," Michael chuckled into the phone.

"It's okay. I'm on skype with Luke right now, so I'll be over as soon as possible," I told Michael.

"Okay, tell him I said hi- fuck! Calum...what the hell are you doing...don't put that in your mouth- I gotta go, be over soon please, bye Beth," Michael said, hurriedly into the phone, I laughed and hung up. Luke looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Michael says hi," I told him.


"Where's Calum?" I asked, looking around the basement.

"I locked him in my room," Michael shrugged. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

"You can't just lock people in rooms!" I shouted, running up the steps.

"You can when they're trying to eat your sofa cushion," Michael called after me.

I reached Michael's door and unlocked it quickly, bursting in.

Calum was sat cross legged on Michael's bed. I shook my head and sat down next to him.

"Hi Calum," I pursed my lips and waited for him to talk, and he did.

He told me everything. He went to a party the night before and got drunk, he picked up a girl and brought her home, forgetting that his parents were home, and they caught him. He was sent to bed and woke up the next morning with a hangover. His parents were yelling at him, but he's grouchy when he has hangovers, and so he git really pissed at his parents, ended up getting drunk again, and ended up at Michael's. I sat on the bed with Calum and Michael until Calum fell asleep. I said a goodbye to Michael and drove home. It was late, and I was exhausted.

I entered my house quietly and tip-toed up the stairs. I padded down the hallway and turned into my room. I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on Luke's Blink-182 shirt. I laid down on my bed, snuggling under the covers.


"You know, Luke used to make jokes about you having the same name as my dog," I laughed, sitting down on the edge of the pool in our backyard.

"I'm not surprised," Ashton chuckled, sitting down next to me.

"He was always so jealous of you," I mumbled.

"I know," Ashton scoffed. We turned to each other smiling, and waited for the other person to say something.

The silence was comfortable, but it didn't feel the same way as the silence between Luke and I.  Ashton sighed and looked down at his hands.

"Beth, what would you consider us?" Ashton asked, not meeting my eyes.

"I don't know," I trailed off.

"What do you want to be?" Ashton asked, I shrugged.

"We can be whatever you want us to be," I told him, smiling slightly.

[its 8, i forgot to eat lunch, and i haven't eaten dinner yet im hungry

yes i forgot to eat lunch im not even kidding im a little spacey

this was cute? basically their dating now they just haven't made it official.

something kinda hdfkaljdhf is happening in chapter 40 and next chapter is  a filler

im not gonna do a so basically so


xoxoxo mary elizabeth]

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