f o u r

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"You're coming over to my house on Friday." I told Luke as I sat down next to him in English.

"Since when?" Luke looked at me in disbelief.

"Since my dad found out that I had a new guy friend." I replied and pulled out my notebook.

"He doesn't think I'm your boyfriend, right?" Luke asked quickly.

"He would kill me if I told him that you were my boyfriend." I scoffed.

"What's wrong with me?" Luke pouted.

"I described you as a boy who likes to where black and pretends to hate everyone, and then when he asked me if you were a pervert, I answered with "not really" so, you don't have much to live up to." I smirked.

"Wow." Luke glared at me.

"It's true, you glare at everyone who tries to talk to you, even teachers! And look at yourself! You're wearing a black shirt with black jeans! And most of our conversation yesterday was about my boobs!" I whisper-shouted.


"We are not starting this conversation about my boobs again." I hissed at him.

"Why do you act like you love me one second and then like you hate me the next?" Luke groaned.

"It's complicated Luke." I ran my hand through my hair and uncapped my pen.

"Fine, whatever." Luke mumbled and put headphones in his ears. I rolled my eyes at him.

Our relationship had always seemed like this. Even though we hadn't really known each other for long. We talked like normal people, and then we started to fight out of no where. Even if I wanted to be in a different type of relationship with Luke, it wouldn't work. We fought too much. It would literally be like kiss, fight, kiss, fight, kiss, fight, and I'm pretty sure that's not something I want.

But, on the other hand, I kind of did like Luke like that. I mean, he was really attractive, and we could talk to each other about stupid things, and argue with each other playfully. I was really the only person in the school that Luke actually acknowledged. He rolled his eyes at flirty girls, and glared at jocks who tried to talk to him. He didn't even acknowledge the art or music geeks, and kept his distance from the nerds. The ghetto's and emo's always tried to get him into their clique, but he would just grunt and walk away. There was one of them, Michael, I think his name was, that would never leave Luke alone, but Luke seemed overall irritated by him. I guess I didn't know what I wanted, and I didn't feel like I would know any time soon.

I looked over at Luke, who was chewing on his lip nervously. It seemed like Luke didn't know what he felt. He was loving towards me at some times and at others he just acted like he hated me. We just needed to get everything straight, then maybe something between us could work, if I even wanted that.

When the bell rang, I turned to face Luke.

"You can, uh-bring your family on Friday, my parents like meeting new people in town." I said quietly, gathering my stuff.

"I'll just bring my mom. My dad doesn't really like social events." Luke joked.

"Well, I'll see you then, I'll text you the time." I smiled at him awkwardly and made my way out of the classroom.


The rest of the week was filled with Luke and I's on/off bickering. People had started talking about us, which was strange, considering that I would only be seen with him in English and Science, and sometimes after school when I would give him a ride home.

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