one last thank you

4.9K 127 19

so, you've read all my notes and shizz so this is really it until the epilogue.

i'm crying right now, and i'm trying so hard not to, but i can't help it.

basically, it started on a weekend in may

heh song reference

i thought of this title, and i was like "man, that's a great title, let's write a book."

at the time i was getting 100 reads on completed books, and that was big for me.

then something strange started happening.

my best friend paige started reading my stuff and was voting and commenting and just loved this book, and i was a little confused bc this book is ew.

then i started gaining two followers a day, which was huge for me.

then a girl messaged me and asked me to read her story, and i asked her to read mine, and we talked about hitting 1k, and i said "i'm never going to hit 1k"

"i'm never going to hit 1k"

im crying guys.

yeah, i hit 1k 24 times, actually.

the first time somebody besides paige commented, i flipped, it was like a surreal concept

i just, like this was a "why not?" book and it did better than i expected, wayyyyy better.

so thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.

thank you for reading, thank you for voting, thank you for commenting, thank you for dedicating stuff to me, thank you for adding this story to your reading lists, just thank you for letting my story be a part of your life.

this story has been such a huge part of my life for so long, and saying goodbye to it is just so hard.

i described it to my friends like brithing a baby, and watching it grow into something, and then killing it, and knowing it's your fault

thats really gory but thats honestly what it feels like.

i just really cant thank you guys enough, so thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you.

keep this in your library bc there will be an epilogue coming on August 14 :)

ilyasm, i loved interacting with you, i loved talking to you, and i hope that i can continue to, even though this story is over.

thank you for (some of you) fangirling over me, and fangirling over this story.

just thank you a whole lot

and until the epilogue

goodbye :)

xoxoxo mary elizabeth

mr. punk rock ➳ l.h auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon