The Secret of Platform Nine and Three Quarters

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Harry's last month with Sherlock and John was anything but boring. Sherlock continuously tried to get Harry's magic to act up, with varying degrees of success. John often scolded Sherlock for it, since magic in front of muggles was illegal and he could tell it made Harry a bit uncomfortable. Harry on the other hand finished reading his school books already, and he and Sherlock managed to get back to Diagon Alley to pick up more books. Defence against the Dark Arts and Potions were so far his favourite subjects. He supposed potions was partially because that was the one Sherlock could actually participate in and understand more. Chemistry had always been both of their best subjects, and Potions was the closest to that. It was a science, and so it was easier for them to grasp.

They also contacted Mycroft, who turns out, knew a little about the magical world, but nothing of Harry's involvement. Mycroft had suspected Harry was a Muggle Born and left it at that. The Prime Minister it turned out had large connections with the wizarding world. Naturally that meant so did Mycroft, however the man didn't pay much attention to the local gossip. He did however, manage to figure out who Harry's birth parents were.

"James Potter and Lily Evans, later Lily Potter." Mycroft read from a file. "I couldn't find much but I did end up finding some of their school records, if you are interested." Mycroft stated and Harry couldn't help but nod.

"Both were in Gryffindor, the hogwarts house for bravery. James had a tendency for trouble by the looks of it, lots of detentions..." Mycroft paused, flipping through several pages which Harry could only guess was the record of his dad's detentions. "They were Head girl and Head boy in their seventh and final year, James was Chaser on his Quidditch team, whatever that means..." Mycroft paused and Harry held back a snicker at the man's exasperation and confusion.

"It's a sport. Didn't know I come from athletic people." Harry commented and Sherlock slumped back.


"Lily was exceptional in Charms and Potions, James in Transfiguration and Defence." He said, before closing the folder. "That's all I could find based of of school, other then that, they were killed during some war that was apparently going on right under our noses." Mycroft said, probably much too casually for John's taste.

"Alright Mycroft, thank you. Harry has a big day tomorrow and I think we should all get an early night." John said, annoyance not too hidden from his voice.

"Of course. Good luck at school Harry, and should you need me, I set up an owl perch in my office, I'm a letter away." Mycroft said and squeezed Harry's shoulder. That was the closest thing to a hug Mycroft ever gave.

"Yes Yes, we all know how Harry's your favourite." Sherlock said, ushering out his brother. "Don't need to rub it in." Sherlock sounded serious, but Harry knew it was just in fun.

That being said, John seemed a bit... off after.

"Well, at least we know a bit more about where you came from." John said with a forced smile.

"I think they would like you." Harry said casually.


"Yeah, they never got a chance to love me, and it was pretty obvious that the Dursley's had no interest in me. You both chose to love me, when you didn't have to. I think they would see how much that means." Harry said and put a hand on John's arm, receiving a much more genuine smile and a hug.

"You've always been too smart for your own good." John said, and he could hear the teariness in his dad's voice. John and Sherlock were his dads. He was sure James was a wonderful person and would have been a great dad, but it didn't matter. Harry may never have gotten to meet James or Lily, but he got two amazing parents anyways, and that was enough.

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