Update and More Questions

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So, I have the next chapter completely written already. This one was a bit shorter, so it didn't take as long. I'm probably going to try and write ahead of myself a bit and get more done this week, so I have to ask.

If there was a day of the week that would be best for me to post, which day? I'm going to try and be more consistent now that I've gotten in a better rhythm. 


Should I make a new cover? This one is over 2 years old and my art skills have improved. I feel like we could use an updated version, not sure exactly what yet, but I'm just feeling like a new cover may be a good idea. I whipped up this one really fast too, so I want something more... eye catching, you know?

Anyways, let me know when you want me to update and what you think of the idea of a new cover. Comment of the Week will be chosen from last chapter, not this chapter, so don't worry too much about what you comment on this sub-chapter. :)

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