The Curious Mirror of Erised

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SPOILER: If you haven't watched Hounds of Baskerville yet, please watch that first. If you have seen it but not in a long time, you're safe, but year, you've been warned.


The snowy grounds of Hogwarts looked like something out of a dickens novel as Harry wandered the empty grounds. Within the past week, the majority of students had headed home. Sherlock and John had some last minute grading to do before they could leave, and apparently Hogwarts had a staff party after the students left which John, and surprisingly Sherlock, didn't want to miss.

"There is something odd about that man, Snape, and I do want to find out what the teachers have been hiding. It will be interesting to see how they act when the students aren't around." Sherlock said, looking towards the corridor before turning to Harry again. "You don't mind, do you? You'll have full, free reign of Hogwarts, and John and I will still be here. We can go explore." He said as John entered the room.

"I know it's not ideal, but we were here to be more then just teachers." John said to Harry. "Mrs. Hudson is going to have the flat decorated for Christmas, and we'll have our usual Christmas party. Everything will be just the same, just we won't be able to go home until a day later." John said, his face showing more concern that Harry wouldn't like that then Sherlock's did.

"Oh, and Mycroft will be picking us up outside of Hogsmeade in a helicopter, so there's that." Sherlock said casually, but a small smirk pulled at the man's lips.

Harry hadn't had the chance to ride in a helicopter yet, but he wanted to very badly. It had always been "When you're older." Growing up, but he was pretty sure that was mostly because Sherlock and John only really got to use Mycroft's personal helicopter when things were dangerous. Naturally all of this would have been fine to Harry even if the helicopter wasn't involved, but that just sealed the deal

This lead to Harry being alone as he walked around. The students had gone home, and all the teachers were grading assignments and exams. Originally someone said that Harry should have to be in the care of someone else, but in the end, that wasn't deemed necessary. Mainly by Sherlock and John who informed everyone that Harry was more mature for his age and wasn't particularly fond of getting into trouble. Snape tried to protest, but McGonagall vouched that Harry only seemed to get in trouble when he was helping someone, or others were involved. He didn't seem the type to want to be bothered with messy situations if they could be avoided. Left alone the boy usually just kept to himself.

Snape had been forced to concede. Even he had to admit Harry seemed to be rather fine to be on his own.

Ron and his brothers were also still at Hogwarts though, and that made everyone a lot more uneasy.

But Hagrid vowed to make sure none of them got in trouble, and that seemed to settle the matter.

Hagrid had been one of the best things about Hogwarts. The man had the most bizarre stories, but it was wonderful to hear about his life. Ron, Fred and George had also been magnificent discoveries. Ron had quickly turned into the brother he never had, which meant naturally the two older twins started treating Harry as family. Between being willing to stick up for Harry when others were being mean, to pranking him just as much as they did Ron, Harry felt his family had frown three fold that year. It was easy to look back on this year as the best of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were going to Romania for Christmas to visit their older son Charlie. John offered the kids a place to stay with them until the three's parents got back. Sherlock decided not to protest it, since Harry rarely had friends over, and it might be fun to have these three around.

As he was walking around, suddenly the very three he was thinking about caught up with him.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Fred asked, only identifiable to Harry by a small scar on his nose.

Harry Potter and the Hounds of HogwartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon