The Impossibly Vanishing Glass

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It had been nearly nine years since Sherlock and John had adopted young Harry Potter. Nine years of fun, adventure, and the occasional danger. Nine years of wonderful christmases, exciting birthdays, and always having the coolest parents. At least that's how Harry saw it. Sure he knew that Sherlock and John weren't his parents, but they were as good as his parents. They were his parents.

Harry was smart. He was so insanely smart that Sherlock hadn't even been certain the boy needed school. John would always give him chocolate cake as a reward for a good report card, and Sherlock wouldn't say anything, but Harry could tell the man was proud. Harry understood Sherlock. Sherlock was brutally honest, a bit thick about people's emotions, and didn't value people unless they were useful or smart. Every time John got upset with Sherlock, Harry would go to John's room and sit with him, explaining that if Sherlock didn't value John, that John would have been out of his life a long time ago. It seemed to help the situation a bit, so Harry would continue to do it, no matter what.

All around the house there were plenty of signs Harry was there and important. There were photographs of his first bicycle, his first solved case -The case of the missing doll-, winning a science contest held by his school, and pictures of the three of them, always happy. 221b Baker Street held no signs that Harry had ever been unhappy, or been anything but theirs.

Harry had been asleep at the moment, but not for long.

"Harry! Time to wake up! breakfast will be ready soon!" John's voice rang in the room, and Harry was excited. Today marked the day, officially, that Harry belonged to Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. This day, every year, was a day they celebrated.

"Don't forget to wear something comfortable, we're going to the zoo today." John added, and Harry couldn't help but smile. He quickly got dressed in a well fitting pair of jeans and a nice jumper John got him. His hair shaggy and sticking in every direction, but he liked it. It made him look more like Sherlock, his father. He had green eyes like him too, He wore glasses, which were nice, round framed, black glasses. John and Sherlock had them be dark so Harry wouldn't loose them as often. He rarely took them off as his vision was so poor, but John said they suited him, like a signature look. However Sherlock said the scar was enough. On his forehead Harry still had the strangely shaped scar that his aunt and uncle told him was from the car crash where his parents died. They all went with that. It was the best excuse anyone had really.

He had called Sherlock father and John dad for a long time now. When he was little the two had made sure he felt no pressure in calling them anything specific, still, he had wanted to. He imagined he probably would have wanted to with his uncle had his uncle not been so horrible. He went up to Sherlock and John's flat, Sherlock was sitting in his chair, but wasn't in his thinking pose, he was just being calm.

"Morning." He said, noticing his dad rushing around the kitchen, making a delicious smelling breakfast.

"Good morning Harry. Did you look over the case file I left in your room?" Sherlock asked.

"Yessir." Harry said confidently. He knew he had it this time.


"The maid did it." He said confidently. Sherlock didn't flinch, didn't even move.

"And you know this how?"

"Her alibi was she was getting the post when it happened, but the murder happened on a Sunday. There's no post on Sunday, it was why it was my uncle's favourite day." He said proudly, and his father couldn't help but smile.

"Very good. Who would ever of thought that walrus could have been useful for anything." He said confidently.

"Alright you two, enough murder talk, lets have our breakfast so we can get going. We don't want to miss out on anything." John said, and Harry chuckled as he and his father went to the kitchen table, freshly cleaned and cleared of Sherlock's mess. He sat down across from them, when he remembered something.

Harry Potter and the Hounds of HogwartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant