♧Chapter 7♧ Staring

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"Everyone please stay seated and buckle your seatbelts. We are about to lift."

It's 7am on a Monday and I'm about to fly to South Korea. I'll get there at about 11pm. Yeah... all my family and friends were kind of willing to go in late to work or school just to say bye. I love them all so much.

I'm on the plane, and I'm sitting by Peyton. As soon as the plane is in the air and steady, the flight attendants begin to come around asking if we want any drinks or snacks, so I thought, why not? So I decided to get a cappuccino and some graham crackers while Peyton got hot chocolate and cookies.

"AISH! It's so hot!" Peyton exclaims.
"Well duhhh. It's called HOT chocolate for a reason." I say jokingly, as I emphasize 'hot'.
"Shut up, Criddle. I didn't think, okay!" She says as she flips me off with both hands sliding down her face like tears then crossing her arms and flipping me off one more time with a lot of, 'hmph'.
Haha. Shes so cute, anyone would believe she's the maknae of the group although in reality, it's Jenny. Jenny's just really smart and skipped a grade so she's with me.

After finishing my cappuccino and graham crackers, I decided to just put in my ear buds to listen to music and take a nap while we're on the way... but first... I need to post this on all social media possible. Why?... It's my mom, she wants all my family to know about me and whay I'm doing in life, and especially if I become really successful. So I pull out my phone and take pictures since I have the window seat. I then post it on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter. I then caption it, "and off to South Korea I go. I can't wait:)".

Finally done. Okay now I can listen to music and take a nap.







"Everybody please stay seated as we are about to land."

I wake up to the sound of the flight attendant announcing out landing. I opened the window to my left. Just the sight got me thinking, "woah... I'm really in South Korea right now... I can't believe it."

Then I blurt out loud, "Damn that means I was sleeping for a longggg time!"
"Yes you did... about 15 hours since you are before sleeping. You must've had a food coma too." Peyton replies jokingly.
"Yeah yeah, very funny. Freakin', Pebble." I say to her.
"Yah!! I am not a pebble!" She says with fake tears. Then we both begin to laugh.

Then from being us we hear. "Hey! How you guys already so loud and awake, we just got here! And it's night time, what the hell." Cheonsa says.

I then look at Katesana, with a smirk on my face, and she knows what I'm about to say. "WHAT DOH HELL, CRITTLE GEL." I exclaim, in the worst Asian accent possible. Causing Peyton to giggle. After everyone in front of us started clearing out, we finally got up and got our bags from the carrier above and went out the plane to look for our actual suitcases. Yes... multiple suit cases. Hey, if I'm about to live here in South Korea, ima need my things. I got my big black suitcase, my pink suitcase and my blue suitcase. Plus my carry on bag I had on the plane. And I look at the others who have 4 suitcases while I'm here with 3. ...what da hell? They were really willing to pay for all dat to come with? Man I should've done the same... I could've brought more shoes and clothes, my guy. So here we all are walking around the airport with all our suitcases on a big cart until we find out your guide go help us find the way to a hotel until we can get to the actual dorms tomorrow morning.

While looking around I see a group of 9 boys walking around some going odd into their own directions, but they seem to all know each other. Then there was just one that stood out to me. I couldn't tell very much because I mean, they all decided to cover their eyes with sunglasses and wear hoodies, but.... that smile... it looks so familiar... where have I seen it before? Oh whatever, it doesn't really matter anyways. Then I turn around to catch up with my friends.

{Jeongin POV}

We just got off the plane and we're back in South Korea. Man it feels so good to be back! We had just come back from performing in Japan, and man that sure did make me really tired. I can't wait to go back to the dorm and crash. Oh wait... the trainees. I was so lost in thought as I was walking, that Felix hyung noticed and came up to me and tickled me saying, "Aww, what's little Jeongin thinking about right now? Is it a girlllll. Maybe one of the girls from Twice? Huh?" He questions me teasingly, causing a smile to form on my face. "No hyung, it's no one." I say.

Just as I'm about to walk back to my hyungs, I notice a small girl staring at me... she seems to be asian too and a little around my age... but i dont think she can be Korean, can she?... she was looking at me for a good 30 seconds, A LONG TIME TO BE LOOKING AT SOMEONE. Just as i qas about to say something she just turns around and runs off to her friends. What a weird girl. I wonder why that girl was just staring at me. She was so weird. WHO JUST STARES AT SOMEONE FOR A GOOD 30 SECONDS THEN SKIPS AWAY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL LIKE THAT???? What the hell... oh well, it's whatever then I guess. I just gotta catch up with the hyungs.

{Chrys POV}

Then we found a girl, small in height, but probably around 20 years old with a sign that says, "tour guide for new JYP trainees." If they couldn't be any less obvious 🤦🏻‍♀️. Oh well. So we finally met up with our tour guide.

"Annyeonghaseo:) welcome to South Korea everybody. My name is Shin RaeYoo and I'll be your tour guide for the time being. I'll show you to the bus and take you to the hotel you will be staying at until tomorrow morning."

So we head to the bus and woah... didn't expect it, they actually brought us a charter bus. Bathroom inside with Wi-Fi and ait conditioning and luggage carriers too! There's also mini table attached the the back of seats for us to use for snacks and drinks! Man talk about money! This must've been a lot... Well now for JYP, but I mean, to me, it's a lot.

We finally made it to the hotel and it's called, Shilla stay Yeoksam. Since there's 8 of us, we got 2 connector rooms so we can be by each other. The rooms had 2 beds each (King size) so 2 people would share a bed. I shared with Peyton, Cheonsa with Jenny, Areum with Diana, and Katesana with Selena. Now it's time for bed and I say goodnight to everybody but as soon as I'm under the covers, everything goes black.


OMG GUYS. We're finally starting to get somewhere! Instead of that 'ole Iowa chapters where nothing much happened but tears of sadness because of everyone leaving. But hey, at least we're here now, and it'll only continue to get interesting. Let's see what'll happen next!

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