"Ooh," he smirked. "I'm really scared!" he said in a mocking tone.

I glared at him, angered at what he just did to Areum. I'd want to kill him right there and now, but Areum would never let me do that.

..and nor will my past self let that happen. 

"Alright, alright. I'll be back later," he sighed before looking over to a frightened Areum who was watching the whole time.

I immediately went to Areum's side, in case he was going to do anything to her, glaring hard at the shorter man.

"Sweetie. I'll be back later, hmm?" He winked before changing into his wolf form and ran out of the garden. 

I sighed, exhausted, before turning to the still-trembling woman beside me.

"Areum-ah! Why did you go outside the packhouse ?! I've told you already, it's dangerous!" I scolded her.

"I'm sorry . ." she mumbled.

I sighed as I signalled Taehyung to escort her home.

"You better be in your room when I'm back," I said to her as she nodded weakly.

Was I too harsh?

I had to. She has to know that it really is dangerous out here. Not only Jimin, humans could come around here too.

I looked around the abandoned garden which I used to play in with mother and father. It used to look beautiful. Since my parents passed away, we no longer used this garden and our packhouse's walls were built. And so, it was abandoned.

X is going to pay.

Areum's p.o.v

The walk was quiet. I spared a glance towards the Alpha's beta, noticing his restless frown. He noticed me glancing at him as he spared me a small smile, making me turn away immediately. 

"Thank you Taehyung-ie . ." I said to him as we arrived at my room.

"Luna, I know I'm in no place to say this. But it really is dangerous out there, so please don't go out there without the Alpha or me, or the selsas, okay?" he said.

"Yes, I'm sorry for burdening everyone." I sighed.

"Well, the Alpha should be back here any minute now. Don't be surprised if he's suddenly aggressive." He smiled as he went to his room.


Why would he be aggressive?

I entered the room and plopped myself on the bed, rethinking about my past, the necklace, everything.

Suddenly, the door bursted open, revealing Jungkook who's panting.

"What's wro-"

3rd person's p.o.v

Jungkook closed the door and immediately pinned Areum's hands above her head, pushing her onto the bed. 


He kissed her despite her whines and tried to ask for entrance.

Areum declined, trying to break her hands free. She felt so confused and beyond surprised. Why was this man behaving like this? Wasn't he supposed to be mad at her for leaving the packhouse again?

"S-Stop! What are you-"

Jungkook got irritated and bit her bottom lip, making her gasp. He took this chance to enter his tongue, turning it into a one-sided small make-out session, before Areum succeeded to push him away.

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