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       All things have an end. Like porn and pizza.

Graduation finally came,  nothing much happened. Just your regural ass niggas with their awards and medals.  YiYun and Prince passed this year with flying colors,  Akari did pretty decent as well.

Meanwhile me and Holly just got average,  did not receive any honors. She was sad cuz she did his best,  meanwhile i am here being lazy and not giving a damn about grades. I rather make college more important than this place.

I just forced myself to attend the ceremony for one good reason.  Its the last day i see my friends,  possibly forever or for a very long time.

The ceremony finally finished,  i started to got bored counting people with Top Hats. Something came up to mind that i cannot accept,  their flight is exactly right after the ceremony.

I mean,  they are gonna fucking leave me here.  Alone! Like a mother leaving her child after a divorce and the father became alcoholic and died from liver cancer.  Well that was oddly specific.

The four were happy Ofcourse,  the year is finally over and they have new paths in their lives. We hopped on YiYun's limo and we partied there, more like they partied there.I just stayed quiet, for once i had fear. Fear of losing my only good friends.  The rest of the trip i just looked at them,  trying to smile.

We finally arrived at the Airport.  Surprise surprise, they had their own private jet with their luggage already on board. Being rich doesn't give you much to hussle huh?

We got off and started to walk to the jet. They were talking about China and Japan saying that they should visit eachother.

"Can we stay for a while, guy? "
I asked.

Saying it so sad makes me wanna puke and dissapointed at myself. But it was my emotions at the moment.

I knew they were already late,  about 3 hours.  The pilot already called them 6 times already and the Airport itself is getting impatient.

Prince looked at me,  knowing what i feel.  He has this pity look at me, like some orphan begging for food. He walked to me.  My heart starting to bear afraid of what will i say to them. I am a talkative man but not much importance are my words.

"I dont want to lose you guys! "
I cried out shedding tears.

"You're the only friends i have. Who i really trust my life with.  Who i can be myself. Where i am free and easy with discomfort.
You might say that i might sound selfish but...
I dont want you guys to go! "
I cried out more.

That last part sounded true,  i sounded like i was being selfish. Prince walked straight to me, i know he trying not cry also.  He stopped one foot away from me.  Raised his right arm and rested it on my left shoulder. He looked straight into my eye solemnly.

"We all have different paths in our lives.  You have yours also. You have to continue that so that you can achieve something great in the end. As the saying goes,  once a door is closed another one opens.
Ill miss you Jason "
Prince said.

"I know!  I know!
Ill miss you so much Prince.  You straight face fucker,  come here! "
I said trying to cheer myself up.

I jumped at him and hugged him tight. I cried at his shoulders.  I noticed that the Three were watching all along and thinking this was some gay moments.

I signalled them to come and hug also. They ran and jumped at Prince making him fall and squashed.
We all laugh for few seconds and fixed ourselves up.

"So you guys are really leaving "
I said.

"We will miss you Jason"
Akari said shaking his... Chest.

"Akari,  with those guns i think you'll not miss anyone here"
I sarcastically said.

"Haha,  you fucking perverted fuck.  Ill miss you too. "
Holly said punching me hard in the shoulder.

"J. As my the wise words of my father said to me and i will say to you.

A man without a wife is dishonor to the family

Find yourself a fine maiden and i am hoping you could greet your Girlfriend to us. "
YiYun said.

"You motherfucker are late,  yoy better go niggas"
I said smiling.

I think i was ready for the new door to open.  Life will move forward its my choice to move along with it and not left behind.

They walked to the Jet, YiYun looked back to me.

"Hey,  the Limo is yours too!  Dont crash it! "
He shouted.

"Yeah!  Thanks!  Tell your mother thanks for me also! "
I replied.

Fucking richies.  I stayed for a while. I looked at the plane as it took off on the horizon. My new life finally started.

I walked back to the Limo.  Oppenheimer waiting for me patiently.

"Where to? "
He asked

"To the Mansion my good friend.  Also could you pick up my stuff back at the apartment? "
I added.

"I wouldn't wish for it, sir "
He said.

The trip was quite as i gaze out of the window watching the trees.  The flowers blooming and the kids playing outside. We finally arrived at my mew Mansion.

I stepped out and saw all the servants waiting for me in a line.  They bowed at my sight.

"Good day Master Jason, we are glad to serve you "
They all said in unison.

"Master?  I like the sound of that but just call me Jason. "
I said.

"Can you guys lead me to my room?  I dont want to get lost again"
I asked.

"Gladly sir,  right this way. "
One maiden in glasses said.

She lead me through the garden and the mansion and right to my room.  My room was big,  much bigger than my whole apartment. With mini fridge, sofas and everything.  This must be YiYun's room cleaned from his stuff.  I could see his note on the mirror.

Look good for me always

Were the words written on it. I will miss that book reading fucker.  I crashed down on the sofa.

"Would you like to take a tour on the estate Sir? "
The glass lady asked.

"Maybe tomorrow,  give me some alone time first"
I said.

She bowed and closed the door on her way out.  I inhaled deeply and let it out.  You are aboyt to witness me talking to myself.

"So this your new life Jason?  In a mansion alone with servants as your company?  Nice.  Sounds fun"

Stopped.  Tears went down my face.  At this point i forgot what i was thinking of. I just cried my tears off.  I layed down on the sofa and continued crying.
I cried for a while until i fell asleep.

Something woke me up.  A text message.

"Hey Jason! It's me!  Pickup me at the Airport! "

A story of an Emotionaless Fuck Where stories live. Discover now