C10 Close Gayness

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Thank Gawd i found it, well more like given back that is. Wait a fookin minute, did the Mountain write in this?  Hold a sec...

That utter bitch,  making my Diary her own.  Too lazy to erase it,  so whatevs.  Have fun reading that emotional Bull Crap of hers.  Anyways, where was i when i lost this... Oh yes,  i had a pretty Gay Experience.

Well i lost this book around noon,  i was eating lunch with the gang. I freaked out cuz i lost the damn book where i write this and that,  also some adult content is in this that might ruin my reputation.

"You should keep your things where they should be. It will get lost when you dont put it in a designated place"
Prince reminding me of that worthless British Wisdom of his.

"No shit! What about you help mw find it! "
I shouted at him

"No.Your business is your business not mine"
He casually said while studying.

"Dont worry!  Maybe i can help? "
Akari gladly asked me.

"Shut it Tits Mcgee!  As helpful you can be,  i dont want water balloons on my face all the time! YiYun,  you like it or not. Youre coming with me your highness! "
I said mischievously

I pull him while he is still reading out of the classroom, he is still reading for the love of gah.

"Goodluck you two! I hope you two find it! "
Akari shouted as we went out.

Fuck you Akari! You're the one who took it ! Anyways,  i went room to room quickly as i can be before lunchtime ends.  From the principal's office to the Girl's bathroom,  from the Teacher's lounge to a room that has a big sign

Off limits to students

Off limit my ass,  i entered anyways.  All i just found are dusty books and used up condoms, no luck. The bell was about to ring.

I blame the new Janitor, he was too nice!  No janitor is too nice to student.

"You always blame people for your own problems,  afraid to take the blame perhaps? "
YiYun spoke.

"Shut Up dude! Christmas is almost here and i am suppose to be in good tidings!  How can i be in good tidings when i lost my book where i can be myself? Where no one will constantly judge the real me! Where i dont have to put a mask on when i speak! No cover,  no fake just the real me! "
Out of anger i spit all of that shut out

"Sorry... Ill help you...find it"
He said so sincerely that i felt bad.

I found the janitors closet. It was not that wide but 2-3 people could manage to go in,  or more likely to fuck with eachother without anyone noticing. I went in, rummaging and searching for my book. Found some bleach,that could be usefull for suicidal people i know. Found other unimportant stuff,  used condoms,  weed,  cleaning materials,  mobs and brooms.  This school is too prestigious to even care if they have students do fucking or getting high. I checked back on YiYun,  the fucker was just reading!

"Get in here you lazy ass canoe! "
I said as i pulled him inside the cramped up space.

As he went in the door closed behind him.  I tried to open, realized it was a one way knob.  I banged my fists and facepalmed.

"We're locked up in here are we?"
He said so calm it pisses me off.

"No Shit Your highness! "
I said out of frustration

I sat down,  and as so he did. Everyone knows that every room on this school is Sound proofed, no chance in calling for help. I left my phone in my bag,  and YiYun doesn't have one. Welp we're fucked. Few hours have passed,  lost track of time. Things were getting awkward,  i already bit all of my fingernails.  Counted how many mops there,14, how many tiles there are,  143, and read all of cans and bottles of bleach.  Dod you know that if you pee on a nleach bottle, it would create mustard gas and kill everyone on the house?

A story of an Emotionaless Fuck Where stories live. Discover now