C14 Yee Boi (Phew 14 Chapters huh?)

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Welp graduation is almost here,  the end of the school year is near.  Which means summer comes and its bikini season. Noice.

So like what the heck huh? Let's have some fun before graduation comes.  Imma ask the fuckers out for a meal. Like they cant say no to that right?

So i messaged the gang in our group chat, MaddaFakka,  named it myself. Proud to say it and regret nothing about it.

Looks like im in luck. Due to most projects being done,  no more classes,  we have free time to hang out with.  So i decided to hang at the Table's trailer,  cuz why the fuck not. The richies would finally experience the hard life huh? Also they owe her back at December, the Prepare yourself winter is coming month.  Fuck you Stark!  I hate winter, thank god its spring.

It was Saturday morning, jumped out of bed and put on my best suit.  I need to look slick right?  So im wearing Darth Vader socks to match with my blue Pants. Perfect.

I walked tp the Trailer park,  I thought it was a bit far to be honest. Never expected me to be there in less than an hour. Then again...


Isbit embarrassing to tell that i git lost finding her Trailer again? Had to walk aroung aimlessly, and i swear to god I saw that naked old woman for the fifth time.

Eventually i finally got to the place.  Seeing them already chatting and Prince doing the barbecue with Akari rubbing his enormous amount of tiddies on his Shoulder Smiling like nothing is wrong. I came up to a conclusion that she's just dumb as Fuxk.

Holly and Yiyun we're already Chatting and laughing,  probably talking about book fetishes. I saw holly humping a book once,  maybe it reminds her of YiYun. It was not a great sight.

"There you Mother fuckers at! "
I screamed as i closed in.

"Nice to see you Today Jason"
Akari greeted me.

"What's up"
Prince asked.

"The sky.

So what's you cooking? "
I said.

"Just Tenderloin with truffle gravy sauce and Sweet Potatoes grilled in an Open Maple wood fire. Nothing much,  just for the occasion "
Prince casually said as if he was Gordon Ramsay .

"Ok then,  I'll let you do the cooking and ill do the talking"
I said as I walked to YiYun and Holly.

"Yee! "
I said.

"Oh there's our Favorite pervert!"
Holly said as i sat down opening a soda.

"Hahaha,  as if!  Im not a pervert.  Im a glorified Female Fan"
I sarcastically said.

I looked at YiYun which was actually eating. Focusing on the beef as it was some fresh pussy,  that still works both ways cuz he is Asian.

"You not reading YiYun?  You having a fever or an Illness?  Ill call your mum"
I said.

"Relax,  the school is over! "
He said happily.

He said it with a smile,  it was actually cute.  He looks like a trap in real life and he doesn't know it.  I actually got embarrassed by his smile.

cute guy...
I nervously said hiding what i said.

"What made you so jumpy today?  You were not like that before. I still remember you all fearless back in the days,  now you worried about me having any sickness "
yiyun said.

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