C2 Enter the Bitchass

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        Me, Prince and YiYun were talking casually during recess,  the topic was hentai Ofcourse.  Prince just tagged along with it,  YiYun would talk reasonable about the female body figure in anime,  meanwhile I was there talking about Boobs.  The rest of the class mostly dont care what we were up to,  we didn't do harm to anyone else. Until one day she came close to our group. 

      Akari,  the perfect girl,  came to our personal space.  She walked to us casually  holding her hands together, acting shyly and for a second there I saw her blush.  Was it me?  YiYun? It has to be me.  Then I just realized she was aiming for Prince.  That cunt.

"Huh Prince right?  Can I, huh-
Can I be your Girlfriend? "
She said shyly while blushing.

Everyone at the classroom was shocked,  jaws dropped in disbelief, confused looks in their eyes.  Even the teacher who just came in dropped corrosive acid on his shoes that slowly melted the leather and the floor.  This bitch even surprised me.
Akari,  the perfect girl,  D size Boobs,  pleasent nature,  friendly aura,  high grades and such, just confessed to the most quite kid in school,Prince, the dont-give-a-fuck  king!

Thats proper BS, eveb YiYun stopped reading.  I glanced at him. He was covering his face with his book only slightly peeking out so that he can see. He never really had any contact with girls before so this was pretty tense for him.

prince said.

"WHAT!!? "
Everyone shouted  in unison.

Ok,  that's proper BS and wtf?  The perfect Jap just confessed her fillings with him and he just said Meh ? I know boys kinda hated him right now,  girls confused with the situation,  and YiYun's book was slowly tearing apart.  I stopped for a moment asking to myself.

"What the fuck? "

"So can I hang out with you guys?"
She asked him shyly still.

"Don't care,  as long as you dont get us in trouble"
He answered her with a straight face.

My face was in partial disgust,  partial confusion and partial wtf. Everyone looked at us,  observing.  Making the atmosphere awkward,  but Akari and Prince didnt care.  They sat besides eachother,  closely,  like shoulder touching shoulder close.  I checked on YiYun, his book was torn in half.  I asked her so us can talk about something.

"So,  You like hentai too? "

And Prince Karate jopped my head with a straight disgusted face.

"No respect "
He said.

"What's Hentai? "
She asked us.

"Well,  she's asking you YiYun.  What's hentai? "
I said to him jokingly.

His face turned blank like he just saw a ghost and slammed his head to the table to avoid eye contact. Using his head as a hammer might not be the best thing right now. I looked backed at Them.

"So you know sex right?  Imagine that, now imagine its recorded and animated"
I told her with a stern voice.

And Prince Karate chopped me in the head again.

"What was that for? "
I asked.

"Dont ruin her innocence "
He said.

I looked at Akari's face.  His mouth slightly open,  eyes with disbelief,  and face looking like it was buffering.
He shook her head and went back to her pleasent nature.  Which was kind disgusting for me to be honest, instant mood change, she might have split personality disorder . She was laying her head on Prince,  her chest against his arm. This guys was getting some action, those soft Oppai against his arm. She layed her arm around his shoulders. Prince looked at her hand.

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