C1 Meeting of the Triad

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         OK lets start from the beginning. 
So my Parents made me go to this prestigious international school.  First day I was freaking out cuz I dont know which section I was on.  I run from the ground floor to the third,  door after door trying to find my designated classroom. Running from hallways,  I tripped over a sign written with Big Bold Red Letter

"No running on the Hallways"

        I bumped over a guy while i was running.  Two of us collapsed to the floor. I stood up quickly and helped him to stand.  He had long hair , fair amount of body mass, and not in a gay way he was kinda cute. I pulled him up and tried to ask forgiveness with all I got,  kneeling,  asking for forgiveness while I cleansed my fists together,  offer to be his slave.  After all of that he just said with a unsatisfied voice .

"Meh,  no harm done. "

"No harm done?  GOOD GOLLY,  I tripped you over kind sir" I said failing to do a british accent.
(Dont ask why)

"Dont care,  as long as nobody gets hurt. Its fine by me...Your name? "
He asked


"His name is Jason,  same section as us.  From Wisconsin U.S.,  Born November 11"
This guy besides him said while reading his book which was covering half of his face.  Asian looking dude,  kinda short, about 5'4 to the most,  curly hair,  sharp Asian eyes.
(I aint Racist but he clearly is Asian)

"Who might you be?  Creepy Asian Private Information Stealer? " I asked

"YiYun... " He said shyly

"For a guy who knows everything,  you sure talk small"
I added.

They looked good,  kinda cute (I aint gay) , plus i don't know anyone yet so i might go with them.  I asked.

"Can I tag along?  Kinda new here.  But do please keep my valued privacies YunYun was it? "

"YiYun. Just let me read my book" He said

"Introvert Alert!  WEE WOO WEE WOO!!! " I shouted.

"Don't care,  just dont get us in trouble.  And please,  keep your voice down. " Cute Kid said
(I aint Gay!!!)

"Hey cute kid-"

Fuck,  why in there a cute in their?  I thought while i stopped my sentence. 

"Huh.... I never really got your name"
Yes!  Perfect save.

He said with a straight face.

Mostly men would react when called cute by other boyz.  Again I aint gay,  he was really cute.  Im saying this so that girls would understand,  damn females.  Anyways,  I followed them to  my room where i should be a few minutes ago.  As i was about to enter YiYun wishpered something to me.

"You called him cute? "

"Shut Up! "
I shouted,  getting everyone's attention.

Ok most Teens would be shy at that point, but not me.  I just wantes how they would react,  heck i would even Masturbate infront of them while eating som tacos naked. Fuck yeah im wierd. 

Everyone settled in cuz the teacher came.  Damn bloody education system.  Everyone started to introduce themselves. Prince would just say.

"Im Prince"

And just sat down.  Prince of what?  Porn?  England?  Japan?  What? Still dont know what his name was.  It bugged me enough to disturb YiYun from reading his Book.

"Hey,  Asian Hacker,  what's his real name? "

"Prince,  Prince The Third.  Thats his first and Last name"
He replied not taking his Eyes off his book.

Like something would happen when reading?  Jeez people with reading,  whats up with them am i right?  Got nothing better to do.  So his name is name is priceless,  Prince... Made me giggle thinking about it.

"So Prince The Third?  What's yours?  YiYun from the Ching Chong province? "I asked trying not to laugh.

"Why you have to be so racist? Just YiYun" he said calmly.

For fuck sakes,  what do i have to do to trigger them?  Somehow i was attracted to their lack of Give-a-fuck attitude.  So what the heck,why not? I befriended them.  So thats where the friendship begun with Prince and YiYun.

While I was casually talking about Hitler did nothing wrong back at World War II to YiYun. There's this student that caught everyone's eye.  This chick from Japan,  but has no Japanese Eyes.  BIG ASS BOOBS,  perfect height to body ration,  nice long blonde hair.  Imagine an Anime character, pulled from weaboo world and put into real life.  You dont see taht shit everyday. I guess 2 bombs were enough. Everyone looked at her like falling inlove.  Jeez have some respect for the woman... Says the guy who loudly said hello to her even Before she spoke. 

"Hello,  My name is Akari.  I hope I can make friends with you" She said with a smile.

Then there's this guys who loudly said.  "With those Guns, you can shoot anyone here"
Salute to those perverted teens.

Akari turned red and blushed,  shouted Hentai. And sat at the far corner where girls mostly sat. Like a flock Geese, loud and annoying.  No offense to Ladies reading this.

Ok now Akari,  this girl.  From who says "Japan" , doesn't have a Japanese acccent. Fluent in English, perfect body,  posture and Ofcourse boobs.  Next top are Genetically modified Cat girls. Anyways,  as Girls would  do,  they all befriended her.  Surprise, Surprise with her Friendly attitude, she instantly friends with everyone,  is the new Classroom Crush and The perfect Girl model.  Apparently the boy Model is Prince.

So ok,  skip forward about 3 months,  dunno how long.  As a proud extrovert, everyone at school knows me.  Well next to Akari,  that bitch is perfect.  High grades,  a teacher's pet,  school crush,  and has all Good Morals and Ethics.  Meanwhile im known by my wild attitude, Has some girls having crushes on me,  boys would Friend me to compete in basket.
(FYI,  i always win)
The next thing you know,  the whole school shipped me and Akari.  That would not happen ever.  I prefer to be most known, thank you very much.

Prince,  would always complete his projects, Do what is needed,  and not talk to everyone or care what is happening around him.  No bullies would take the time,  teachers liked him for easy grade checking,  would always picked in a group cuz he does most of it.  Meanwhile, YiYun,  his just an Extreme Extrovert.  Average grades,  and just reads.  Two of them i always hang out with,  talk about hentai mostly.  Yes they watch too, but not in an Unhealthy Level.  YiYun knows everyone by name,  and everyone's private information. Chinese Hacker,  smh.  Prince?  He just dont give a fuck.

Was having fun talking with them about hentai back at lunch,  until she came.

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