C11 Drunk'n'Hollywood

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Christmas time lads,  the time of the year where i feel wholesome, sweet inside and kind to people. Try to be nice and propper ways of speaking,  that you just prevent saying any harsh and harmful words that would make people negative to yourself. But fuck those people,  its time to get drunk with Christmas wine and stuff your mouths with Christmas ham. If only i was back home,  but damn for some reason im not. But this is one unhappy holiday

Snow was everywhere,  there's upside and downside to all of it. Upside is that you can play around,  build a cute snowman,or perhaps go on a walk with your gf on the snow. The downsides...too fucking cold,  i get the sniffles like shitty common cold,  and you can't just do your normal stuff.  Going to the beach to watch some girls,  go to the pool to watch some girls,  or go to the public sport fields to watch some girls.  All my normal girl watching, yes its normal,  is disturbed by the seasons of the earth. Fucking climate.

Anyways,  Holly invited us to spend some time with her.  YiYun accepted as usual,  Prince and Akari have to go back to their countries to spend time with fam, And so its just me and YiYun.  A weird porn plot if you ask me,  Lonely Girls fucks by 12 inch dick and an Asian. Fucking brilliant.

To be honest,  i rather just go home and drink my cocoa while i watch some Family Guy.  YiYun and Holly would have some quality teenage time together,you know Teenage Sex.
I would have time to do my favorite hobby,  relaxing. Its a win-win situation. But something caught my mind.

"Hey! Huh-Jason? Wanna hang out? I huh... Bought the gang some drinks,  non alcoholic for the richies and some wine for us.  But...Prince had to go to his dad, Akari goes back to Japan for the holidays. So its just you, me and YiYun! So what ya say? "
She left me that voicemail on one cold afternoon.

Something was off,  the kitchen lights,  no wonder it was so dark when i tried to boil some water. Still have the burns to prove it.

Her voice, i have talked with a shit ton of people about their oppinions. I always know what's the tone of their voice, Holly's was a sad one.  Forcing her self to talk happy but constantly lowers her tone, that's a sign that something was off.

I grabbed mah boots and called me mum on the phone that I was unavailable for that day. She always have those suprise visits without letting me know,  she once cuaght me masturbating and it was not a good experience. I walked to the Ching Chong part of town to fetch YiYun from his Estate. I banged on the wooden gate expecting with prepared YiYun to open it, but i was confronted by his Mum.

"Miss Y.  Is YiYun ready? Huh... Your highness."
I nervously asked trying to show respect.

"Dont be like that,  I already told you. Sorry deary,  My poor YiYu got the cold. He told me to inform you he cannot come. Where you guys heading anyways? "
She said so gentle and caring, making me feel guilty about my mum.

"Just hangin out with my friends Maam"
I replied.

"Well you guys have fun. So sorry for my boy"
She apologized for YiYun.

"No worries maam, i better be off"
I say as i walked away.

That's a bummer,  cant be mad at him. I already know he is weak and frail, cant do much about that. I walked with melancholy to the bus station,  fucking snow making me cold.  I have to wear 3 parkas for Christ's sake,  i already knew it was gettjng cold but never expected this cold. 

I waited for the bus,  i saw some kids playing on the snow. Reminded me of me and Holly playing when we we're kids,  sweet childhood memories.  Me throwing at her snowballs so hard it would leave bruises,  her putting rocks inside the balls of snow giving me a black eye.  Yeah, normal kid stuff. Praise the heaven's, the bus arrived.

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