C4 Tearful Projects

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        A project just been given,  more like a competition to be honest. There would be judges and the group of the highest score would get perfect on their grades on that project. School giving pointless competition to students for their own amusement, how disgusting.

Me, YiYun and Prince were discussing that we needed 1 more for our group.  That said,  we argued and then suddenly.

"Hey!  Anyone wanna pick Akari for their group? "
Our professor shouted.

My gang didnt care,  but for the rest of the class...
Well, Boy would kneel to beg for her to join their group,  girls would offer girly stuff like make up, braids,  and Kpop posters for her to join in.  It was kinda funny how pathetic everyone become when they are head over heels for her, i was intrigued. Thinking how would i abuse my Relationship with Prince to control Akari to control the school. Nice plan Jason,  i like the way i think.

Then suddenly,  Akari stepped away from the crowd and towards us. Smiling and giving off a friendly Aura.

"Looks like you guys need another Teammate, can i be one? "
She asled with a cute smile.

"NO! I aint letting a mountain join,  it would get all the space around here"
I said as i looked at the taddas.

"Aww please?  I really wanna join"
She begged.

"Wait! She begged! "
Everyone shouted in unison

"No,  Im the leader this time.  And the leader says No.We specifically agreed she can only hang out,  not interfere with our academics  I dont care if the class hates me,  i would d-"
I was stopped by a karate chop to my head by Prince

"We need another teammate,  she wants  to join.  What's wrong with that?  Like anyone wants to join us three anyway"
Prince added.

"Fine... "
I mumbled.

"Yay!  I hope i can be a big help to you guys"
She said.

"Your help is not the only thing that is big... "
I said giggly.

(its  a word, i think )

"Hey YiYun,  Akari is our new teammate! "
I told him loudly.

"Wait,  You what!?  I never agreed to tha-"
He stopped

He saw Akari smiling at him,  He blushed a little. And i think he started to nose bleed a little also.

"Huh what will we make? Aren't we supposed to make a sculpture of some sort "
YiYun said shyly.

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SHY!  Anyways,  i want to make a Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend "
I said.

"I thought you already have a GF? "
YiYun asked

"Well yeah but... Huh-" <- Me

"What about something more Anime!  What about Zero Two? "
Akari added.

"Damn Japanese,  I say Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend!?"
I shouted at her.

"That would be too sexual, I say Zero Two! "
Akari shouted.

"So you Japs shout other than Yamate,  Well i say BTGG!"
I replied shouting.

"You guys really do lile anime,Anime has  Gothic Girlfriend and anime has Zero Two also.  You two look more of a couple"
YiYun said.

Me and Akari looked furious at him,  eyes glaring at him like a hawk ready for its prey.

"Sorry "
He said continuing reading.

"What about we ask Prince what he wants,  he never really had a plan of his own in the past just said by other people "
I recommended to stop Akari shouting at me.

"That's true,  what you say my Prince?"
She asked Prince Gladly.

"I say we make a Mother"
He said while getting supplies from is backpack.

Me ans YiYun would go along with it, but Akari had a Question.

"But why mother? "
She asked curiously.

"Non of your business"
Prince coldly replied.

Me and YiYun nodded to her to gesture not to argue. Reasons that would be revealed later, patience is a virtue. That reminds me, i need to continue remind Akari about her fetishes again. That makes her have googly eyes and drools on her mouth, maybe making her wet, who knows.Ill just do that in ... random times.

We set out to do our tasks, first part is the structure, then yadee yadee ya, you get the picture. But right before we even started in it, I whispered something in Akari's ears.

"Prince likes you"

I said with a wide grin.

She instantly went red, blushing. Never thought those blush lines could be seen, her face has some, like right outta an anime. 

"Also he thinks you're cute, am I right prince?

i said.

"Who doesn't?"

Prince casually said.

She covered her blushed face in embarrassment. 

"Well at the lease Im not a pervert and a Racist like you! Hentai!"

She tried to act tough but failed and just looked cute while doing it.

I remembered YiYun, he was observing all along. Actually kinda smirking at me.

"As a matter of fact, Im not racist. Im a realist! Im not a pervert, im a glorified person that is attracted to females. At the lease, I dont have mountains hanging down on my chest."

I said smirking

Her face became red, kinda pissed out and embarrassed. We continued arguing, lost tract of time. YiYun observing and watching us like some kind of novella. Few long minutes have passed.

"Well- I huh... Well at the lease I have a Boyfriend!"
She said.

"Im not your boyfriend, and you guys can stop. Im done"

Prince spoke, oh ma gah.



Me and her said at the same time.

"Yes, Im not your Boyfriend and were done with our Sculpture"

Prince said with a straight face, ofcourse it was straight, like why the fuck not.

He presented us with a sculpture with a mother hugging his son, it was somehow familiar. Like i saw it once in a picture, maybe an incest hentai book or something like in that genre. Me and YiYun were not that much gave a reaction, just happy we ...i mean he done it. But I saw Akari tearing up. She jumped at Prince and hugged him, rubbing her cheek on his shoulder.

"Get off"

He said to her.

"Yo, bruh. Can you make me a tiddy Goth Sculpture"

I asked him with a huge grin on my face.

"No. Make it yourself"

He said as he walked away with Akari hugging her and the sculpture in his hands. 

He presented it to the judges. And what you know, we won. Hooray. 

(read that pathetically) The judges teared up at the sight of the sculpture. Even Zain saw it and actually shed tear. Weakling. Never understand normies, i prefer it having big boobs. Im just pissed off cuz i didnt contribute anything, kinda feel bad cuz he did all the work.


Zain shouted. Loudly. -_-

Bloody negro. Hey at the lease i got a high mark for it, im not proud of it but i have it...Yay us.   

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