C3 The incident at the cafeteria circa 20**

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       Yep,  another scene was created at the same table, same cafeteria,  and same school.  But this time,  Im proud of what i did.

Ok,  picture this.  Lunch time.  The four of us sitting on our table,  Akari feeding Prince,  YiYun reading, the usual stuff. Then I remembered what happened the other day,  Akari blushing in the thoughts of Prince.  So i did what any normal person do with that information, exploit it.

"You know,  Prince have abs"
I said menacingly.

"Where did you get that personal information? Id expect only YiYun to know that"
Prince sounded concerned and embarrassed for the first time.

Akari stopped for a moment,  looked at Prince's stomach.  She suddenly realized that he was looking at her, both of their eyes connected.  She freaked out and started blushing, covering her face with he hands.

"I know we are in relationship but its just embarrassing with that information "
She said embarrassed

"We're not in a relationship "
Prince said.

Maybe everyone heard that. The whole cafeteria went silent,  even YiYun stopped reading.  Why the fuck do i notice when he stopped reading,  its getting on my nerves.  Just read.
Anyways,  the atmosphere begun to bit of awkward.  I'd expect Akari to be sad about it,  but my expectations were wrong.

"Why is that? "
She asked with a smile.

Prince just looked down.

"A promise "
Are the words all he can say.

I quickly stood up and went behind them.

"I smell gossip "
I said rudely.

"Meh,  my business is my business and so is yours"
He said in reply.

Geesh,  dont be so cold on me. I caught Akari thinking, she was maybe thinking about his abs.  So i did what something nice.

Wishpered into her ears seductively as of i was licking it.

Bingo! She immediately begun blushing,  guess she has Abs fetish. Maybe we can seduce her cravings witg a few pictures back at the locker room,  showing a pic of Prince's hunky body might make her moist as an oyster.  Or better yet,  show it to her point blank to make her aroused.  Or better yet-

My thoughts were disturbed by Prince  Solid Karate chop right into my head.

"No respect,  don't use her to your blushing fetishes"
He saud right after that chop into my head.

I crawled away embarrassed and back to my seat. Dammit,  should not have told him all of my fetishes. I have... Some.
So,  no plans  on that.  Maybe-

"Prinzzzzz! I challenge you to a duel! "
Zain shouted.

"Can people stop disturbing my self narrations!? "
I shouted back.

"Shut Up Jason!  Im here for Prince! "
He replied.

"Damn Immigrants "
I murmured

"Im not and immigrant, and this is an International School.  That makes it completely redundant!!!"
He shouted

(I think he heard that one)

"The duel, Prince,  is to show which one is faster at eating.  I challenge you to a Eating Competition "
He shouted.

"CAN YOU STHAP SHOUTING? Is your volume cranked up? "
I shouted.

He replied.

Youll guess it was pretty loud due to its bold and italicized.

"Meh,  ill roll with it. Im still hungry anyways "
Prince interupted our shouting.

Surprised that he accepted to be honest,  though you gotta account that he only cares about his self benefits. 

We readied the table,  plates full of Nacho Cheese Fries generously provided and bought by Akari. The two sat in place,  Zain with a full intimidating grin and Prince with a straight emotionaless face.

"Ready. Get set.  Dine!"
Someone shouted.

(Talk about trying to get attention,  goodluck pal.  You dont even have a name,  you're just a filler)

But right after that second,  right before Zain could start eating.  Prince stood up and walked away,Akari cant leaving his side followed him.  Everyone looked at him,  the crowd was confused including me and Zain.
But then we realized.

"Its all gone!? "
The crowd shouted in unison

I looked at Prince's plate and all of the Fries were finished. Witch craft.
The crowd was astonished,  me was mostly envious of how fast he could eat.  Imagine finishing your food at that speed,  i could have saved time to play more Computer Games.
I walked back to YiYun leaving Embarrassed and pissed Zain and the confused crowd. YiYun didn't noticed in whats going  on for the past few minutes,  he was hooked on to the book as if he was Reading Fifty shades of grey.

"Where's... Prince? "
He asked innocently.

I looked at him like this cancerous emoji right here -_-. Even an atom bomb blew up infront of him,  point blank he would still keep on reading. what's so good about reading anyways,  just takes your time and nothing else. If you want to learn,  go out their and just do it.

"Come on,  we're gonna be late"
I said as I pulled him back to the classroom.

Forgot that the loser gotta pay for the meals. If Zain keeps this up,  he'll be bankrupt as Africa.

"You win this round,  but I will get you next time "
Zain mumbled while grinding his teeth.

As i pull YiYun while he was reading his book out of the Cafeteria,  I saw Akari and Prince at the School's Ice-cream stand nearby. Akari was joyfully licking an Ice-cream cone while Prince, having a straight face,  licks a Popsicle.

"I Didn't have desert,  and she was still hungry. We decided to buy Ice- cream, want some? "
He asked generously

"Sure! "
I replied with a grin

"Buy your own"
He added.

My grin faded away instantly,  and now was disappointed.  How mean of him to get my hopes up,  Just like Exes. First they get your hopes up and they leave you away.  This guys represent it trough Ice Cream. YiYun on my hand,  i pulled him to buy Ice cream.  We spent the rest of our Lunchtime Eating ice-cream.

I took a peek at YiYun's book while we we're eating, it was... Math.  He was studying,  somehow I gotta be proud for him. He does cares for his failing grades after all and just trying his best.  Unlike me Ofcourse,  all I want is to.


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