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"Loki? As in the god of mischief?". He nods. "The very one". You let out a quiet giggle and stared back into his emerald eyes. "Why are you in here? Causing a ruckus, were you?". He sends you a playful glare but lets his gaze soften as you smile for the first time in your cell. "I attempted to take over Midgard". "And how did that work out for you?", you ask
cheekily. He rolls his eyes and looks out toward the large door on the other side of the room. "Not too well, as a Midgardian I would expect you to know about my attempt to take over your home". You shrug your shoulders and lay down on your stomach, resting your head on your folded arms. "Well it must've happened while I was away, I was gone for 6 months". He nods understandingly. "And what were you doing in space?". Your body tensed up and you averted your gaze. "I don't really wanna talk about it right now". 

He opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by the sound of the large door opening. A guard entered and approached a control panel where he started to press buttons. Suddenly the lights switched off, only leaving the glow of the cell walls. "Lights out!", he calls. You sigh and roll over so your back is facing the raven-haired male. You curl up in a ball and stare at the wall blankly, shivering slightly. You looked over at Loki to see him sitting on a chair, reading a book under the light of a small lamp. You let out an inaudible sigh and rolled back over. Sadness overcame you as you thought about why you were here and everything that had happened before now. You closed your eyes and let yourself fall into a dreamless slumber, wishing only for a blanket to keep you warm. 


The light switched back on and Tony approached your confinement, chuckling quietly to himself. He crouched down beside the cell wall and met your gaze as your eyes slowly fluttered open. You groaned as you sat up, rubbing your now sore back. The walls around you disappeared and left you sitting in the middle of the floor. "Come on, kid. Get up, we're gonna ask you a couple of questions". You nod and comply with his demands, walking over to him. He seems a little unsure but you have no intention of harming anyone, not unless they deserve it. He began to walk back toward the door, giving a nod to the guards as you both left. He then walked into the elevator at the end of the corridor, leaving space for you. You got inside and watched the doors close in front of you.

The elevator took you to the top floor where there were several other people. The woman from yesterday glared daggers at you. "Tony, what is she doing here?! For all we know she could try and kill one of us, where are her restraints?". Tony shrugs his shoulders. "Come on, she's just a kid. It's not like she's going to try anything". He turns to you, expecting an answer. You quickly nod. "Y-yeah I won't do anything". He smiles brightly, glancing at the woman. "See, she's fine".

He continues walking into the room, taking a seat at a large table. He points to the chair opposite him and leans back. A man you hadn't seen before looked met your gaze and gave an unsure smile as he sat beside Tony. "Now if you didn't already know, I am Tony Stark and this is my associate, Dr. Bruce Banner". You nod. "Um, nice to meet you", you say hesitantly as you take a seat. 

Tony picks up and file and sighs as he opens it. "There are a lot of unexplained things in this file as well as a lot of blank space, we'd like to ask you about that if you don't mind". You nod. "Go ahead". 


Jail birds (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now