Love Me or Let me Go

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(New York, NY)

It's been about two weeks since Michael and I had the argument. There hasn't been much said between us, mainly by me. I can't even look him in the eye without thinking about his true feelings for me. Tatiana stayed by my side a lot, when she wasn't rehearsing with Michael and we would just hang out or go do something with one another. It made me feel better about this and she knew that this was the right medicine for my pain, being with friends is better than being alone and I felt more alone than I had in a very long time.

"I'm going to rehearsals." Michael announced as I laid in bed, faced away from him.

"I ordered something to eat for you this morning after I leave." Still, I said nothing. He waited a few more minutes before coming over to check if I was sleeping. Quickly my eyes shut to show that I was sleeping, I could hear him sigh as he made his way out. Once the door shut my eyes opened and I immediately reached for the phone to call my friend Aubrey, I feel bad that I haven't been able to call her as much but with everything going on there really wasn't any time to.

"Hello?" My heart leaped in joy as she answered.

"Guess who?" I heard her basically drop the phone.

"ANNABELLE ELIZABETH SIMMS! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I pushed the phone away from my ear to prevent my eardrums from bursting.

"Glad to hear from you too!" I picked myself up out of bed and opened the blinds to look down at my city.

"Do you even realize how worried I've been about you? When the doctors called me about your accident I didn't know what to do! Luckily Michael came there to get you." I rolled my eyes at his name.

"Yeah, Michael." I walked over to the tray Michael ordered for me and picked at the food under the top. As much as I wanted to ignore it, I just ate it to get rid of it quickly.

"Okay what's wrong?" I sighed heavily as I sat down on the couch.

"Everything." I could hear her shifting on the other side before speaking.

"What do you mean by that?" Tears began to fill my eyes again the more I thought about it.

"It's Michael and I. Well, he kissed me and called me 'sweetheart'. He does all of these things that make us look and act like a couple. When I brought it up he said that he didn't want that right now or any time soon. Why would he even kiss me or show that he cares for me in that way if he doesn't?"

"I don't know Anna, I'm really sorry." I glanced outside to see the streets of New York cluttered as usual.

"Do you want to do something today?" I could hear her laughing from the other side like a crazy person.

"You do realize that you're on the other side of the world right?" I chuckled as I gathered up an evil plan.

"I'm sorry, I forget a lot. I'll talk to you later okay?" I scurried to the bedroom to set out something in preparation of my plan.

"Hey don't forget to call me okay, you'll figure it out. You're Anna fucking Simms, you are a badass." I collapsed in laughter at her use of language.

"Very nice language Aubrey." She hung up the phone while I began to prepare myself for the day. Aubrey you have no idea what I'm about to do.


Before leaving for Aubrey's I made sure to bring someone along with me. The last time Tatiana was here she didn't end on good terms with Michael, but she has been such a great friend to me and I don't really know what I could've done without her these past few weeks.

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