The Offer pt. 2

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Michael and I made it to the St. Regis before I started having second thoughts. I was continuously pacing back and forth as I debated on whether or not I should even continue this.

"I mean, what if she sees me and I'm not all that she imagined as her choreographer? What if I make a fool of myself and she rejects me? I just can't take that sort of rejection especially from a big celebrity like her." Michael laid his glove covered hand on my shoulder as he tried to calm me down.

"Relax Anna, you're just stressing yourself out over nothing. You'll be fine and I'm going to be right there with you the whole time. I believe in you and I know that you got this. Now breathe." I inhaled and exhaled as he guided me to. "Much better. Now let's go in there and show her what you're made of." I nodded my head as I took slow steps up the stairs towards the entrance. The inside of the hotel was even more magnificent than the outside, at some point I did feel out of place.

"I've never been to this side of Manhattan." I commented as Michael took my hand and led me to the place we were supposed to meet.

"Trust me, this isn't as magnificent as you." Michael didn't even pull back in shyness, he said it with a serious face which sent a bright pink blush up my cheeks.

"Do you see Robyn anywhere?" I asked to cover up my sudden blush.

"Yes actually, over there." I followed Michael over to a table in the center of the dining room. A dark skinned woman sat at the table flipping through some paperwork.

"Ms. Crawford?" I called out before she looked up.

"Ms. Simms? What a pleasure it is to meet you." The two of us shook hands as we sat down.

"Whitney should be around here somewhere." As if on cue, the Whitney Houston stands in front of us. I almost had a heart attack as I saw one of the words most famous icons stood right before my eyes.

"And you must be Anna Simms. I thought so since no one could be as beautiful as you darling." I stuck my hand out to shake, but instead she brought me in for a warm hug.

"It's nice to see you two Whitney." Michael chuckled.

"You do realize that you're not the man of every hour right?" I covered my mouth as a bit of laughter came out.

"I can tell that your sarcasm hasn't lost its touch." He obviously stated.

"When you're looking this good, you can never lose your touch." She pointed to herself as Michael rolled his eyes in amusement.

"Alright children, let's talk about what's really important." We all sat down and looked at Robyn. I suddenly felt the feeling of Michael's hand slowly sneaking itself into my grasp. Electricity shot up my arm, but instead it was a comforting feel.

"So! Whitney and I have taken a look at the tape that was given and might we say, you're very talented. We were both pleased so much by your ability of dance, Whitney herself wanted you as her new choreographer for her Moment of Truth tour." Even though I knew all of the details, I was in complete awe and was totally ecstatic about all of this.

"Wow, I-I honestly don't know what to say!" I stuttered like an idiot which made me seem dorky.

"Say yes honey!" Whitney exclaimed.

"Well as musicians such as you and I, we do have to go over a few things before making a final decision. How long will she be on tour for? What is this gonna mean for her in the future? Things like that have to be offered before making the deal officially." I nodded my head as Michael spoke even though I had no idea as to what I'm doing.

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