Chapter Twenty One

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Twenty One
Jayden's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

The sunlight streamed through the curtains and illuminated some of the room. It reflected off of Roses's beautiful brown skin as her head rested on my chest. Her naked body fit perfectly next to mine, almost like a puzzle piece. I had been awake to watch the sun come up but Rose remained asleep. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was too excited, too happy.

Last night Rose and I made love... I can't explain how many times I dreamt or fantasized about being with her again. Her touch, her body, her sounds... is my drug. It was always so much deeper than lust. I felt her in my soul when we were together, and when we were apart, I was a wrack. Last night she proved to me that she felt the same way about me in more ways than one.

All I could do now is just watch the sun rise and enjoy the feeling of her skin against mine.

Parts of last night played over and over in my head.


"I can't ignore what I was feeling at the park the other day. Jayden, I haven't felt that relaxed and that free in a long time." She smiled at the memory. "I realized that... It's because of you."


"I was scared. You were giving everything you've ever wanted up for me. Football was your passion and you worked so hard for that scholarship. When you were on that field... you were really alive. Seeing you so full of life like that was all I ever wanted. Going to college in New York was a childish dream of mine that I would've given up in a heartbeat for you, but you never gave me the chance..."

"Because you were my passion, Rose. I didn't need a football field to make me feel alive anymore. I felt alive because of you. Because you were at every football game, cheering me on from the bleachers. Because even though it wasn't realistic for me to play college football you always made me feel like it was. When I got that full ride to Ohio State... I was grateful and happy but that wasn't the lifestyle I wanted. I was prepared and ready to let it go, for you."


"So, I thought I was doing something selfless by letting you go..."


"I missed your touch..."


"Jayden, wait. I have something to tell you. It's important..."

"Tell me tomorrow. Let me make love to you Rose."


I didn't want to fixate on every single thing she said but it feels nearly impossible when I thought I would never be with her again.

Then I remembered something else she said last night...

"I haven't been with anyone else. I've always been yours."

She said it right after I entered her. I could hear her sexy moans and breaths in my ear as clear as day. I would never forget it.

Though her words boosted my ego in the moment and only made me want her even more, I'm confused now... She's had to have been with someone else because she got pregnant after she left me.

Maybe she said it to be sexy? Maybe she thought that it was something I would like to hear... She's right. That shit was sexy. Thinking of her saving herself for me because she knew deep down we would find our way back to each other didn't just arouse me but it didn't something to my soul.

As true as that may be, I just couldn't let it go. Something wasn't making sense...

If she never slept with anyone else then how did she get pregnant? We weren't together because she left... Or... was she pregnant when she left...?

The question startled me and my heart pounded in my chest. I don't know what the fuck scared me more. The answer or the fact that she could do something like that to me.

Rose stirred. She's awake now. She smiled up at me as beautiful as ever but I couldn't really focus on that right now.

"Good morning."

I forced myself to smile at her so she wouldn't think anything was wrong. "Morning."

"How did you sleep?" She asked as she sat up and stretched.

Her bare back flexed as her arms went up and allowed me to see the sides of her breasts. I felt a jolt of excitement shoot through me but I forced it away. Now is not the time. I need answers about something and it was taking up all of my focus.

"Great." I told her honestly. "You?"

"Like a baby," she smiled sweetly before she covered herself with an extra blanket that was on her bed and stood from the bed. "I'm going to take a shower. You don't mind?"

"Of course not." I forced a smile.

"I'll be back then."

"Take your time," I encouraged.

Once she was gone I jumped out of the bed and quickly put my boxers on. Then I opened the bedroom door and waited until I heard Rose close the bathroom door and start the shower. When I heard the running water I closed the bedroom door and started to go through her stuff.

I searched her desk, her dresser draws. I even quickly searched her computer. Nothing... I don't even know what I'm looking for. Just something, anything to put my mind at ease.

Where the fuck does she keep all of her important information? I asked myself getting aggravated. It has to be somewhere in this room.

The only place I didn't check was her closet. So I checked there. I opened the door and seen a bunch of shoe boxes stack on top of each other.

I opened the first two boxes but they didn't have anything that I was looking for in them. Some cute artwork from JJ in the first one and some developed pictures in the second one. I noticed a picture of Rose and me and smirked at it.

She kept our pictures...

I quickly closed the second box and placed it aside because I was getting sidetracked. I opened the third box and saw a bunch of organized folders. I pulled the first one out and on the front of the blue folder read, Jayden Jacob's in huge letters.

My brows furrowed in confusion and I wondered why she would have a folder with my name on it.

As soon as I opened it I saw a picture of a baby's footprints. If my name on the folder didn't fuck me up, this definitely did. The next thing I saw was a birth certificate. I noticed my name and foolishly thought that this is my birth certificate for a moment.

But no... That would've been too simple.

Place of birth
Penn Sate health and Holy Spirit Medical Center

Childs name
Jayden Kent Jacobs

Sex of child


Mother of child
Rosa Beth Jones

Age at this time of birth
19 years old

Father of child
Jayden Nickolas Jacobs

Age at this time of birth
19 years old

My heart dropped to my stomach as I read the birth certificate. My Brows knitted together in frown. Tears welled up in my eyes almost immediately. I closed them and allowed myself a moment to cry.

JJ is my son... And Rose hid this from me for all these years.

Enraged, I grabbed the picture of Rose and I and the birth certificate and closed the closet. I balled all of my clothes up and left Rose's room as fast as I could.

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