"So I would be in danger there or something?" you clarified.

"Well, I don't exactly know for sure—," Miori began.

"Then why are you saying all of this?" Soomi cut in.

"—but I just think it'd be wiser if you stay here," Miori finished. She turned to look at Soomi with a dead expression, saying, "and I'm just trying to look at for (Y/n), since you obviously don't care about her safety."

"(Y/n)'s a big girl, she can take care of herself," Soomi said as she slung an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to her. Then she gave a perverted look and smirked. "I mean, she survived Park Jimin going animal mode on her, so I think she'll be fine."

You shrugged Soomi's arm off and looked away, feeling heat rush to your cheeks.

"I appreciate the thoughts, but I think I'll wait and hear what Jimin has to say. If he offers to take me and thinks I'll be fine, then I might go. But if he doesn't, and says it's too dangerous, then I'll stay home," you said.

"But don't you want to go? I'm sure you'd be able to persuade him to let you go," Soomi said, nudging you with her elbow.

"I am interested to see what he has to say to her, and what he plans on doing. Seeing Jimin put her in her place would be one of the best moments of my life. But I also know what she's capable of and value my life," you responded.

"Well why don't you ask for his blood then? Just in case?" Celeste questioned. You gave her a confused look.


"In order to become a vampire you need to die with their blood in your system. So, if you and Park Jimin both worry about your safety, and you want to go to Allyson's house, then maybe you could ask him for his blood just in case," Celeste explained. "Of course, it depends on how he feels about you becoming a vampire though, and how you feel too."

You had never thought about being turned by Jimin. However, you've seen enough vampire shows and movies to know that the vampire usually doesn't want the human to be turned. So you wouldn't be surprised if Jimin pulled the cliché "being a vampire is a curse, you deserve a long, happy life" bullshit. You could never understand that; wouldn't you be happier spending the rest of eternity with the one you love?

"I don't know how Jimin would feel about that," you said hesitantly.

"Don't listen to Celeste, she's saying shit. Sure, being a vampire might be cool, with all the perks and everything, but you've gotta look at both sides. Allyson will hate you even more, you might go bloodthirsty and hurt someone you didn't mean to, and you'll never get to taste food again," Soomi said, emphasizing her last point.

"You also won't ever get to have children, but I don't really know if you've thought about having kids before," Miori added.

They did have some pretty good points. While there were positive sides to being a vampire, there were also risks and consequences. The question is which outweighs the other.

"It was just a suggestion, you don't need to think about it too much right now if you're not ready," Celeste said, laying back in her hospital bed.

"Are you going to bed?" Soomi asked, staring at Celeste with a judgmental look.

"Yeah, if you want to stay feel free. But watching me sleep is kinda weird and creepy," Celeste said with her back turned to you guys.

"We'll see you later Celeste," Miori said as she ushered you and Soomi out of the nurse's room.

As you were walking down the halls, heading back for the dorms, you noticed Jimin standing by the front door talking with Namjoon.

"You guys can go upstairs, I'm gonna try to talk to Jimin," you told Soomi and Miori. The two girls nodded before continuing up the stairs as you made your way to the door. Namjoon noticed you first—since Jimin's back was facing you—and he waved.

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