Christmas Special

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A/N: This is not related to the plot of the story, it's just an extra chapter; a small gift for all of you. Merry Christmas lovelies ♥︎

"He doesn't like Christmas!?" you asked dumbfounded.

"It's not that he doesn't like it, he just doesn't...favour the holiday that much," Clarisse replied.

"How do you know?" you questioned.

"Well, he just always seems down at this time of the year. Never really that happy, and he stays up in his room more too it seems," the woman answered. You were stunned; how could Jimin not enjoy Christmas?

"But he allows you guys to decorate the house, so he must not mind it that much," you reasoned.

"Of course. But again, he just never seems as bright when Christmas rolls around," Clarisse sighed out. She picked up the tray with cookie dough—that you two had been working on—and moved it into the oven.

"Everyone has their reasons though, so I'm sure he has his," Clarisse stated. "These will be ready in the afternoon, thank you for the help (Y/n)."

"Your welcome, it was fun," you replied. "So does he buy gifts or receive any at all?"

"He buys some for myself and the other workers here and I'm sure he buys gifts for his friends and family—although I never see any—but I know for a fact he gets them. And yes, many of the offerers get him several. His friends also mail a few in too," Clarisse answered.

You were still puzzled, what about the holiday did he not like? You felt determined to have Jimin enjoy this holiday to the fullest. You would do whatever it took.

"Alright I've gotta go. I have a mission," you declared while exiting the kitchen.

"Good luck!" Clarisse called after you.

You walked all the way upstairs and busted through the doors to the dorms. Your eyes scanned the room before locking onto your targets. You walked up to the two girls that gave you questioning looks at your sudden entrance.

"What do you usually get Jimin for Christmas?" you demanded while sitting across from the girls. Miori and Soomi turned to look at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles. You waited until they calmed themselves before leaning in further as if to show your interest.

"Sorry, it's just that you looked so determined when you were coming to us and we expected a serious chat or something," Miori said with a smile.

"I am being serious though," you said with furrowed brows. Soomi's eyes widened slightly before she began leaning on the table with her elbow.

"What brought this on suddenly?" she asked.

"Clarisse told me that she thinks Jimin doesn't enjoy Christmas," you explained. Miori let out a hum before sitting up straighter.

"Are you going to try and get him in the Christmas spirit?" she questioned. You nodded.

"We can try to help, but believe us when we tell you it might not work. Every offerer ever has tried to cheer Jimin up at this time of the year and they've all failed," Miori warned.

"I'm still going to try though," you said determined.

"Alrighty, we'll try to give you as many tips as we can. Firstly, I suggest you don't give him clothes. From what we've seen, he doesn't seem to enjoy those gifts as much for some reason. Maybe they only ever get clothes that aren't his taste or something, I don't know. Also, no money. That's just dumb; you know he obviously doesn't need anymore than what he already has.

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