Chapter 14

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You walked back to the dorms, a giddy feeling inside you and a smile you couldn't hide slapped on your face. You entered the room and practically skipped over to Miori and Soomi, but you did try to somewhat hide it so the other girls wouldn't notice. Miori tilted her head at you and Soomi simply squinted her eyes. The girls sat at the table in the middle of the room and you took a seat across from them.

"I'm guessing it went well? Because you're acting as if you became friends with a unicorn or something," Soomi said. You nodded and leaned in closer to the girls.

"He's almost done work, so we will be able to see him soon hopefully," you told them.

"That's great. At least he wasn't dead," Soomi said while breathing a dramatic sigh of relief. Miori rolled her eyes at Soomi being extra.

"That's not all that happened though, right?" Miori asked. You looked around to make sure none of the other girls were watching before leaning closer and talking in a hushed voice.

"He drank from me," you whispered. Soomi's eyes widened at this and she finally seemed serious while Miori gave a thumbs up.

"How was it? Were you okay?" Miori questioned.

"You guys didn't lie when you said it would hurt; it did. But it wasn't that bad when he was actually drinking from me," you informed.

"How did that even happen?" Soomi inquired.

"I went to pick up some papers for him and got a paper cut. I don't think he was drinking enough because he reacted even though there was barely any blood. So since I knew he was starving I made him take my blood," you explained.

You brought up your arm wrapped in gauze and presented it to your friends. Miori turned your wrist around and inspected the wrapping job while Soomi leaned on her elbow, lazily watching Miori before glancing at you with an excited expression.

"Congratulations, you aren't a virgin anymore," Soomi said happily. Miori elbowed the black-haired girl harshly before looking at you.

"You might want to go to the nurse's just so they can properly disinfect the bite. They also might be able to make the wrapping more comfortable for you," she told you. You nodded and took your arm back and moved to hide it under the table. Just before you could bring it under, a hand slammed onto the table near your wrist. You flinched and gasped lightly, slowly turning your head to see Celeste hovering over you. She gave a sickly sweet smile and tapped a finger on the gauze.

"What in the world happened here (Y/n)? That looks like it could be painful," she asked while making a move to grab your wrist. You were quicker though and stood up from your seat, moving to the edge of the room and far from her.

"Nothing," you said. Celeste cocked her head to the side and rested her hands on her hips.

"That certainly doesn't look like nothing to me. Why don't you let me have a look, I'm sure I could help," she said while taking slow steps towards you, a sinister grin on her face.

Your eyes flickered over to Miori and Soomi to see them staring at Celeste nervously. Miori caught your eyes and began frantically pointing towards the door, mouthing "run away!". You glanced at Celeste, slowly stalking over and looking almost like a tiger, and took off for the door. Celeste cackled like the witch she is.

"You can't run forever (Y/n). You shouldn't bother," you could hear her call as you ran down the hall. You skidded to a halt by the stairs and began racing down them. You weren't really sure where you would go, maybe hide for now and try to find Clarisse for protection later? At the bottom of the stairs you made for a right but ended up smashing, hard, into a body. For some reason you were the one sent crashing to the floor though. And it was less than graceful, leaving you with an aching ass.

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