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Sorry for not updating, thanks for your patience! New chapter planned to be published on May 20. Just an excuse. Anyways, I like to entertain my readers, so I'll be writing 20 weird facts about...life.

1. Elephants can stand on their head

2. The most powerful telescopes are like time machines, they can revive light from stars and planets and stars that were emitted at least a hundred billion years ago.

3. Intelligent people have more copper and zinc in their hair.

4. If you wake up between 3-4:00 am, there is an 80% chance someone is watching you. Good luck sleeping tonight ;)

5. Human nails and hair continue to grow even Afterdeath ((pun intended ;) ))

6. Stick your finger in your ear and scratch. Sounds like pacman, right?

7. Honey never expires. You can eat 3,600 year old Honey.

8. Speaks of honey, the reason it's so easy to digest is because it has already been digested by bees.

9. The colder the room, the higher chances of getting a nightmare.

10. Most laughs you hear from old TV shows were recorded a long time ago
(Forgot how long) meaning you're hearing the laughs of dead people.

11. Ants lick each other to get clean.

12. Milk is just filtered blood.

13. Sharks kill around 12 people each year, we kill about 1000+ sharks per year.

14. Most creative people stay up late, thinking, " I can stay up longer, fall asleep later."(( me lol))

15. Figs have dead wasps in them.

16. When the person who created frisbees died, he got cremated, and his ashes were used to make a Frisbee. (Ō—Ō)

17. 2% of the world are Green eyed.

18. An apple can boost you up more efficiently than coffee.

19. A blue whale's heart is so large, a fully grown human being can swim in it's arteries.

20. Sperm whale poop is used for perfume.

Most of these are facts I read from other books except for number 2.

I promise I'll update then!!!

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